Posted on
10:40 PM
- last edited
I'm experiencing difficulties enabling FileVault on some macOS devices that were auto-enrolled via JAMF Connect. Despite having the policy in place, FileVault encryption did not initiate.
I've opened a ticket for new devices, but there are still a few lingering devices where FileVault remains disabled. When attempting to manually enable FileVault and cycle the key
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Darshan Hiranandani
Posted on 07-01-2024 04:37 AM
Rule 1: Do not enable FileVault with Jamf Connect.
Rule 2: Use a Configuration Profile to enable FileVault from Jamf Pro or whatever MDM you use.
How to troubleshoot FileVault enablement.
Make sure you are enabling FileVault with a configuration profile, do not put the configuration profile in the prestage as there is a product issue with Jamf and doing that causing problems. Assuming the FileVault Configuration Profile is configured correctly.
If for some reason FileVault does not enable, do the following.
If the above does not work, enable FileVault manually using System Settings or the fdesetup command.
All and all managing FileVault is pretty simple if you enable it the way Apple tells you to which is with a Configuration Profile.
Posted on 07-03-2024 01:46 AM
Thank you, I'm thinking of reinstalling my entire macbook