Posted on 11-20-2015 05:37 AM
The following topic was touched upon briefly at the JNUC 2015, and was wondering if anyone had any related experience. Currently, all our labs are locked down with Deepfreeze and as a method of patch-management we've been going through the arduous task of manually thawing and refreezing the machines to run updates...archaic I know.
In short, has anyone had success mapping the JAMF Cache's folder as thawed under Deepfreeze? Interested to hear your thoughts - thanks
Posted on 11-20-2015 07:40 AM
To what end? If the end users do not have admin access, why not simply wipe out their user accounts instead of using DeepFreeze?
Posted on 11-23-2015 10:22 AM
Hello @bpavlov , thanks for your response. We've toyed with the idea of not granting our users admin access, but in working in a higher ed environment we've decided to stick with the Deepfreeze route for now. I've read a bit on configuration profiles and automatic deletion of profiles after log-out which look promising.
I guess the extent of my question is whether anyone has had success setting a customized "thawed mapping" to JAMF cache's folder.