Posted on 12-19-2017 01:40 PM
All our Macs connect to WiFi only and we want to map a network share automatically after login. That seems to be an issue, because the WiFi is not connected immediately after login. So adding the mapping to Login items under the user account does not work. One more thing, the authentication has to be the logged in user, not root. Thanks for any input.
Posted on 12-20-2017 09:10 AM
I'm sure you could script this. Have while loop at the start that waits for just runs sleep until the connection comes up. And after
the connection is online have another while loop doing the same thing waiting for the dock to be online (This is how I do my enrollment scripts).
This will verify network connection and that the user is logged in. The next step would be mounting the share which can also be scripted.
# Wait for user to be logged in
dockStatus=$(pgrep -x Dock)
log "Waiting for Desktop"
while [ "$dockStatus" == "" ]; do
log "Desktop is not loaded. Waiting."
sleep 2
dockStatus=$(pgrep -x Dock)
# insert code to wait for network to be available
# mount share code goes here
# I run this script in a policy to mount my network shares.
# place the share in script parameter 4 of your script policy
# should be in the form of smb://IP/Share
#2017 Version Samuel Look
#All care no responsibility
#Mounts the requested share if it doesn't already exist if left blank it will attempt to mount AD SMBhome
#Accepts shares in the form smb://server/share
#Intended to be run as a Login policy from Casper on AD bound machines only and has only been tested in this context.
##### Start seperate process #####
##### SUBROUTINES #####
Share_Path_Valid() {
if [[ -z "$Share_Path" ]]; then
Machine_Domain=$(dscl /Active Directory/ -read . SubNodes | awk '{print $2}')
Share_Path="$(dscl "/Active Directory/$Machine_Domain/All Domains" -read /Users/$Current_User SMBHome | awk '!/is not valid/' | sed -e 's/SMBHome: /smb:/g' -e 's/\///g')"
if [[ "$Share_Path" ]]; then
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Path check PASS $Share_Path"
return 0
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Path check FAIL"
return 1
User_Ready() {
Loop_End=$((SECONDS + 60))
Current_User=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console | awk '!/root/')
while [[ -z "$Current_User" ]] && [[ $SECONDS -lt $Loop_End ]]; do
sleep 10
Current_User=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console | awk '!/root/')
if [[ "$Current_User" ]]; then
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name User check PASS $Current_User"
return 0
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name User check FAIL"
return 1
Finder_Ready() {
Loop_End=$((SECONDS + 60))
while [[ -z "$(ps -c -u $Current_User | awk /CoreServicesUIAgent/)" ]] && [[ $SECONDS -lt $Loop_End ]]; do
sleep 10
if [[ "$(ps -c -u $Current_User | awk /Finder/)" ]]; then
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Finder check PASS"
return 0
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Finder check FAIL"
return 1
Not_Mounted() {
if [[ -z "$(mount | awk '/'$Current_User'/ && //'$Share_Name' /')" ]]; then
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Mount check PASS $Share_Name"
return 0
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Mount check FAIL already mounted"
return 1
Mount_Drive() {
True_Path=$(echo $Share_Path | sed 's//////'$Current_User'@/g')
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Attempting to mount $True_Path"
sudo -u $Current_User osascript -e 'mount volume "'$True_Path'"'
##### START #####
Share_Name="$(echo $Share_Path | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')"
if User_Ready && Finder_Ready && Share_Path_Valid && Not_Mounted; then
sleep 4
logger "Sharemount:$Share_Name Conditions not met to attempt drive mounting $Share_Path"
##### End seperate process #####
) &
##### FIN #####