Delete All Users except local admin

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Posted on 06-20-2013 08:17 AM
I currently have mobile accounts on all of my student computers. I know, I know I could change them to strictly network accounts, but sometimes it's convenient for them to be able to save to the desktop and the teachers freak out a little less. Anyhoo, I'd like to be able to delete all users except for the local admin as a sort of summer clean up. Any scripts out there that would delete all users, not just one at log out?

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Posted on 06-20-2013 08:30 AM
This is the script we use. It's coded to look for a file that sits on our domain controller SYSVOL folder and then exempt users listed in it from deletion. It's probably overkill for your needs but it'll be a good starting point. It's got some horrible kludges in it to cope with the fact our localadmin txt file is edited by Windows users. (Unix and Windows deal with carriage returns in different ways).
# Clear all non local admin accounts script
# Script is based off work at the following webpage:
# Author:
# Set up needed variables here
macname=$( scutil --get ComputerName | awk '{print substr($0,length($0)-3,4)}' )
# Special section to set up globally exempted user accounts
# You can add more accounts here separated by a space
exempt=( admin Shared Guest .localized )
# Mount fileshare where local admin file is kept.
mkdir /Volumes/SYSVOL
mount_smbfs -o nobrowse //'DOMAIN;account:password'@domain.local/SYSVOL /Volumes/SYSVOL
# Read localadmin file to LOCADMIN variable. We'll do all our processing from that.
LOCADMIN=$( cat /Volumes/SYSVOL/domain.local/localadmin/localadmins.txt)
# Unmount and clean up fileshare.
diskutil umount force /Volumes/SYSVOL
while read -r LOCADMIN
# Because the file contains bash reserved characters, we must remove them before processing.
# This will cause the script to ignore the line totally.
line=$( echo ${LOCADMIN//[*]/} )
# Grab the name of the computer from the current line of the file
compname=$( echo "${line}" | cut -d : -f 1 | awk '{print substr($0,length($0)-3,4)}' )
# Find out how many users are listed by counting the commas
usercount=$( echo $((`echo ${line} | sed 's/[^,]//g' | wc -m`-1)) )
# Does the current computer name match the one in the file?
if [ "$macname" = "$compname" ];
for (( loop=0; loop<=usercount; loop++ ))
field=$(($loop + 1))
username=$( echo "${line}" | cut -d : -f 4 | cut -d "," -f ${field} | cut -c11- | sed "s/$(printf '
')$//" )
done << EOF
exempt[$[${#exempt[@]}]]=`echo $username`
# Find exempt array length
# Delete accounts apart from those in the exclusion array
# Read the user account from /users in order.
for Account in `ls /Users`
# Does the flag file exist? If so, delete it.
if [ -f /var/tmp/adminexempt ];
rm /var/tmp/adminexempt
# Loop around the exemption array to check current user.
for (( i=0; i<${tLen}; i++ ));
# Create the exemption flag file if account matches. We do this because of BASH's local variable limitation.
if [ "${exempt*}" == $Account ];
touch /var/tmp/adminexempt
# If exempt file doesn't exist, delete the account.
if [ ! -f /var/tmp/adminexempt ];
dscl . delete /Users/$Account > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf /Users/$Account
# Read the next username.
# Let's set IFS back to the way it was.
export IFS=$OIFS
# Clean up any left over flag files
if [ -f /var/tmp/adminexempt ];
rm /var/tmp/adminexempt
# All done!
exit 0
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Posted on 06-20-2013 01:02 PM
I cannot recall who posted this script, but it has worked well for me. This example will delete mobile accounts (they have UniqueID's greater than 1000), but not local accounts on machines that older than 7 days. Just set the "-mtime +7" to the number of days old an account must be on the machines before it is deleted. You could customize it to delete non-admin local accounts as well.
userList=dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2 > 1000 {print $1}'
echo "Deleting account and home directory for the following users..."
for a in $userList ; do
find /Users -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name "." -mtime +7 | grep "$a";
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
dscl . delete /Users/"$a"; #delete the account
rm -r /Users/"$a"; #delete the home directory

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Posted on 09-19-2014 01:53 PM
I know this is an old post, but I had the same question several nights ago, this command worked for me just fine:
sudo find /Users/* -type d -maxdepth 0 ! -name admin -exec rm -rf {} ;
Oh and hi Jessie! (:

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Posted on 06-16-2017 03:33 PM
Work ! great ...and ...i wish to delete for example except another users ....for example, i want to delete
Users/* ==== all ====ok, except, admin and usertemplate ( 2 users in except )....
What is good syntax ??
Thanks ..
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Posted on 06-19-2017 07:53 AM
Try this:
#This Script will remove all accounts that are not
#specified below (e.g. Administrator, etc.)
#Accounts are case sensitive
UserList=`ls /Users | grep -v "Shared" | grep -v -i "admin" | grep -v -i ".localized" | grep -v -i "kingston" | grep -v -i "administrator" | grep -v -i "arduser"`
Dansarray=( $UserList )
#printf "%s
" "${Dansarray[@]}"
if [ ${#Dansarray[@]} -eq 0 ];
echo "Nothing to do, exiting"
exit 0
for u in ${Dansarray[@]} ; do
echo "$u -- Deleting..."
`/usr/bin/dscl . delete /Users/$u && /bin/rm -rf /Users/$u`
#Remove sharepoints and groups
find /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/sharepoints -name "*" -type f -delete
find /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/groups -name "*" -type f -delete

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Posted on 06-19-2017 08:38 AM
No script just command shell :
sudo find /Users/* -type d -maxdepth 0 ! -name admin -exec rm -rf {} ; for one user ====> admin -----OK
For two users? example = admin and usertemplate?
Thanks ...

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Posted on 08-31-2017 08:31 AM
@allanp81 I had an interesting experience with that script. A package I installed created a root folder in /Users/. Without any error checking, my root account was deleted from the directory service and bad things happened :)
Might be worth adding something like this to the exclusions :-
grep -v "root"
So its :-
#This Script will remove all accounts that are not
#specified below (e.g. Administrator, etc.)
#Accounts are case sensitive
UserList=`ls /Users | grep -v "Shared" | grep -v -i "admin" | grep -v -i "root" | grep -v -i ".localized" | grep -v -i "kingston" | grep -v -i "administrator" | grep -v -i "arduser"`
Dansarray=( $UserList )
#printf "%s
" "${Dansarray[@]}"
if [ ${#Dansarray[@]} -eq 0 ];
echo "Nothing to do, exiting"
exit 0
for u in ${Dansarray[@]} ; do
echo "$u -- Deleting..."
`/usr/bin/dscl . delete /Users/$u && /bin/rm -rf /Users/$u`
#Remove sharepoints and groups
find /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/sharepoints -name "*" -type f -delete
find /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/groups -name "*" -type f -delete
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Posted on 05-03-2018 01:07 AM
@nigelg that's odd for a package to install into /Users/root? What package was it? We've been using that script for years now without any issues.

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Posted on 07-16-2018 02:08 AM
@allanp81 I think it was a package manually created by an admin who was having an off-day :)