Delete applications without Adminrights withs self Service

New Contributor II


Since none of the users on our computer have no admin rights, but we have created a possibility that the user can uninstall App. However, the script only deletes the application from the folder. That is sufficient in most cases. However, in some cases it is necessary to delete the created data. Maybe someone has an idea how to find these and delete them.


# Shellscript : Uninstall Script  
# Autor : Andreas Vogel, 

# Script asks for the file to be deleted. 
# Only for test - comment out in production!  
# set -x 

###### please only edit here 
###### list files to protect here 

Self Service 
Identity Agent

##### End ################

# Variabeln 
sys=$(while read p; do echo "$p" | grep "/Applications" ; done </System/Library/Sandbox/rootless.conf) 


askapp () {
    /usr/bin/osascript <<EOF - 2>/dev/null
    set strPath to POSIX file "/Applications/"
    set f to (choose file with prompt "$1" default location strPath)
    set posixF to POSIX path of f
    tell application "Finder" to set filesDir to container of f as alias as text
    set posixDir to POSIX path of filesDir


asknewdir () {
    osascript <<EOF - 2>/dev/null
tell application "SystemUIServer"
    text returned of (display dialog "$1" default answer "")
end tell

app=$(askapp 'Please select the program to be deleted') || exit

# Loop for checking before deleting 
for a in $list ; do 
if [[ "$app" = *$a* ]]; then 
osascript -e 'display dialog "This program can not be deleted!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1'  
exit 0 

# Program is stopped and deleted 
pkill -f "$app"  
sudo rm -rf "$app"  
osascript -e 'display dialog "The app has been deleted" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"' 
exit 0

New Contributor II

no ideas

New Contributor III

Hi @avogel,

I have combined your idea with another and my own.
Perhaps the result will also serve your purposes: 

Pre-requisites: Installed (for the beautiful modals)


Best regards


Hey @alexduffner 
Sadly the link to your uninstallMacApps doesn't work anymore. I would be really interested in your approach.

Hi @tobiaslinder, had set it to private for some reason, it's now public again.
Your and other's feedback is explicitly welcome. 😊

Thank you so much. You will hear from me, if I succeed at implementing your code in my project.

New Contributor III

 Hi Alex


This script looks wonderful however during testing I was still prompted for admin creds when running via self service. - specifically Finder requesting to delete x files. Running on Ventura 13.4

New Contributor III


Just to follow up, I ended up making some changes to the script to get this to work in my environment.

line 50 after add

trash() { mv "$@" /Users/$currentUser/.Trash/ ; }

line 186 remove

/usr/bin/sudo -u "$currentUser" osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to delete { $posixFiles }" >/dev/null

after add

echo "Moving app data to trash…"
sleep 1
for item in "${paths[@]}"
Echo "Trashing $item ..."
trash $item

New Contributor III

Nice! Thank you for sharing, just request a pull request via Github - I will merge it :-)

Thank you for this @GraemeU ! Those tweaks to the script worked perfectly! And thank you @alexduffner for building it out. I am going to see if I can fork it to add a swiftDialog check parameter into the script so it doesn't just fail out if it is missing /usr/local/bin/dialog

New Contributor III

Hi Alex, I will do some further testing before doing anything like this, for example the Zoom Outlook Plugin has a build in which users cannot run, however if they try to remove it via the script, it will find a lot of things you dont really want to remove as part of the app. This is around the wildcard line 155. 

paths+=($(find "$location" -iname "*$app_name*" -maxdepth 1 

See below imageScreenshot 2023-05-24 at 12.45.13 pm.png



New Contributor III

I think regex matches like these are the reason why nobody came up with an all-in-one uninstaller ^^
Thank you for testing. I would also recommend to not test it in the wild.

New Contributor III

Hi Alex

Yes agree, this is a very tricky problem to solve but I think this script gets about 95% of the way there with no trouble, which is excellent. I have a small test group with this deployed now and will get feedback from users, mainly so I can round off our exclusion list.

I will just remind users to double check everything in the list prior to clicking ok! 😊

New Contributor

HI, Thanks for the script really appreciate the script. Just curious is there a way to restrict it to just application folder. So users can't go browsing all sort of directory. Like limiting it to just /Application folder only.  

Thanks in advance 

New Contributor

I just tried the script and it doesn't seem work. 

Contributor II

Love your script. We just started to remove the adminrights on all our macbooks a few weeks ago.
Really nice done and i like your solution with swiftdialog. Great !!