Configuring Global HTTP proxy for macOS



Looking for a way to configure the Global HTTP proxy via Jamf Pro for macOS. The "Global HTTP Proxy" payload is only available for 'Devices' in JamfPro. 

We previously pushed a proxy pac URL setting that restricts browsing if not signed in to VPN via a script from macmule that uses the networksetup command. We found that this method doesn't restrict Safari and only restricts Chrome. After a chat with Apple Support, it appears that we need to use the Global HTTP proxy method for it to apply to Safari. 

Has anyone deployed a "global HTTP proxy" configuration to macOS devices via Jamf Pro?

Thank you!

Thank you



Contributor II

Hi @debrat ,

Here's what I found in Jamf Pro, Configuration Profile > Proxy settings:
Jamf - Proxy.png

and additional settings from the app iMazing Profile Editor to create a profile :
Global HTTP Proxy - Auto.pngGlobal HTTP Proxy - Manual.png
note: if you want to run it on all users, select Payload Scope > System.
I'm not sure if this meets your needs, but hopefully, it's close.


Thanks for the suggestions @agungsujiwo. Appears that the proxy payload for macOS is the system configuration type of proxy and not a global http proxy. I was also advised to use the network payload but that applies to specific network interfaces/SSIDs. I also tried to create a global HTTP proxy in iMazing but nothing appears in the profile when the file is uploaded to JamfPro. 

Sometimes, I create a configuration profile using iMazing Profile Editor under the Payload Scope: System, selecting Target Device Type > Mac. I test it manually on a Mac by installing the profile via double-click > Install > Enter credentials.

To verify if it works:

  1. Open System Settings > Proxy and check if the options are grayed out with the message: This setting has been configured by a profile.
  2. Check the PLIST files in:
    • /Library/Managed Preferences
    • /Library/Managed Preferences/"AccountUser"
      to confirm if the configuration profile is present.
  3. Use Terminal commands for further verification:
    networksetup -getautoproxyurl Wi-Fi
    networksetup -getautoproxyurl Ethernet
    scutil --proxy
    defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ | grep Proxy

If the profile does not work during manual testing, do not upload it to Jamf. Only proceed with the setup and upload to Jamf if it works correctly.