DEP & Prestage enrollment Work fine but my configuration Profiles wont install unless I send devices a Blank Push

New Contributor

DEP & Prestage enrollment work fine but my configuration Profiles wont install on all users, works for some but not all. It occurs randomly and it's not user specific if I reset IPAD and try again with same user and same ipad it works. On the devices that don't install i have to send them a blank push and then they will install the configuration Profiles.

Very Frustrated



Contributor III

How are you setting your Configuration Profiles? Is there a particular setting that is not getting installed? Have you added the user (from an LDAP system) on the device's info page?

- Justin

New Contributor

I am experiencing the same issue. Everything seems to work fine until the icons appear on the iPad. Sometimes my configuration profiles are installed and other times nothing. I noticed that restarting the iPad helps. Also, sending a blank push or inventory update works. These solutions aren't any good to us, we have a 1700 iPad enrollment happening in two weeks. I spoke with David Mattern at JAMF and he notified me that this was an issue and they are working with Apple to resolve it. Hopefully sooner than later....

Valued Contributor

We've had the same issue for months. Getting nervous...

New Contributor III

Talk to your Account Manager there is a temp work around.

New Contributor

Kuypers, could you please elaborate on the workaround. I spoke with our account manager and he only said restart device or send a blank push. Thanks!

Valued Contributor II

@kuypers, do you mind sharing more information about the work around?

New Contributor III

There is a Python Script called updateDeviceWithoutInventory. The next update should take care of the problem And blank push does the same thing. This script just runs and updates every 5 min. I know JAMF wants to track who is using so Account managers may not know about.

New Contributor

Thanks for the info. I will look into it.