Posted on 08-26-2014 10:36 AM
I accidentally deployed the Self Service App to everyone without configuring the app to look at my JSS. What's the easiest way to repair this mistake? I have now updated the app so that any new install work, but what do I do about the one's which won't? Can I trick the system somehow and make it think it's an update? To make things even better, the App store is currently off.
Posted on 08-26-2014 10:45 AM
Are you taking about Macs or iOS?
If this is for Macs, I'm not understanding what you mean here. You don't need to configure Self Service to look at your JSS. it picks up the information from a plist that stores the JSS information the Mac is enrolled to. As long as the Mac is properly enrolled in your JSS, the information SS needs to operate should be there.
Posted on 08-26-2014 11:16 AM
Sorry iOS using the new Self Service App.
Posted on 08-26-2014 11:44 AM
OK, then ignore my post. I don't have an answer for you. We're not using the IOS part of Casper, nor the latest version of it in general.
Maybe someone else will be able to help.
Posted on 08-26-2014 12:46 PM
I believe if you toggle Self Service from app to web clip it uninstalls the native app. After an interlude to allow for the installation of the web clip and uninstallation of the app, switching it back prompts the installation of the Self Service app again. Given App Store isn't on, I'm not sure how that could impact your mileage.
Posted on 08-26-2014 01:16 PM
if you are looking for the most pain i suggest getting Altiris and try to clean it up with that. Sorry I could not help noticing the irony in the question.
Deployed Self Service App incorrectly, how can I save myself the least pain.
Posted on 08-27-2014 10:43 AM
I would say:
1: Disable the Policy, that's distributing Casper Self-Service
2: Create a Smart List of Machines that have Self-Service Installed.
-- Make a copy for reference of the machines in this list..
3: Create and activate a Policy to Remove Casper-Self-Service - "Uninstall"
4: Create a Policy to install Casper-Self Service correctly, to desired Target Machines.
Posted on 08-27-2014 10:50 AM
On second thoughts..
You only really need to modify the config file for Casper-Self Service...
Which is generally in: ~/Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.plist
You can just replace that file with the correct value.
( Though you may also need to fix some digital certificates too.. )
-- JAMF should be able to advise on that.
Posted on 08-27-2014 05:09 PM
@PeterClarke This is for iOS not OS X
I have actually managed to do something similar, so I am looking at answers also.
Quite a pain, since there is no option to just pull the apps and re-deploy.
Posted on 09-08-2014 06:47 PM
Have you a solution for this?
I've been doing each iPad manually and it's a real pain.
Posted on 09-08-2014 09:49 PM
Ideally I would prefer the IOS app to install as a 3rd party app and not via the App store, this eliminates any need for an apple ID installed for the distribution of the App, and for new users, can be difficult, if they don't have an existing Apple ID.
Because of this, we haven't used the IOS app yet, support recommended turning off self-service setting and push the service via a webclip profile, and then push the app via self-service IOS app via VPP, allowing the use of both.
Which would be achievable providing the mdm profile is isntalled on the ipad.
I didn't like that idea, seeing we are in production and not a test environment.
Posted on 09-09-2014 07:49 AM
I wondering if/when JAMF updates this app, will the new install include the configuration from the JSS? In other words for those apps currently without it, just wait?