3 weeks ago
Contributor II

Joined: March 2014

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I've been looking at finding unique ways to deal with the x-vpn, its tricky in bypassing our firewall. From what I can see it creates a tunnel to a private network within the client machine, and then passes the traffic via https, through a series ser...
Air print is no longer working in my environment for air print on iPad OS 17 configured devices, 16 and below still working as expected, our printers set on a seperate vlan, as does our print server, running paper cut with mobility print with dns pri...
I'm working on an extension attribute script, that utilises API, which uses the assigned user and the MacBook serial number, to populate information of assigned devices managed and total based on the assigned user. it took a while, but I am near comp...
So I am currently working on some API extension attribute based scripts, for use with extension attributes.I have a script working that will do the following:List the assigned number of Computers to a user and List it as a number, under a computer de...
Is there any way to invoke a forced update of user information from LDAP with out the device needing to be check in?we have status of our users directly maped in our user details of AD which is imported through ldap, and updates overnight providing t...