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01:35 PM
- last edited
Hi All,
Can someone enlighten me on how to deploy Mac OS VPP apps on JSS?
Went in to the Mac App Store Apps, added the App and uploaded the VPP xls file and scoped it to the machines I want it deployed to but it is not deploying.
According to JAMF's documentation "The app is distributed the next time computers in the scope contact the JSS."
Am I missing an important step here?
Thanks in advance guys.
Posted on 04-14-2015 02:34 PM
Do you have a VPP Assignment and VPP Invite made for the User(s) you are trying to deploy the Apps too?
Once done, they would accept the invite in self service which takes them to the Mac App Store to sign in with their Apple ID and then they can install the Apps.
They definitely would be under the "Purchased" tab of the App Store if the above happened, but they may install automatically - not sure on that.
EDIT: Also - For the VPP invite to work, the user needs to be associated to the Mac under the "User" tab of the machine's record in the JSS.
Posted on 04-14-2015 05:46 PM
@Araneta - I think what you need to realize is VPP doesn't install applications on computers. It allows you to assign them to users who if they have an Apple ID with that email can see the assigned application in their purchase history.
Make sense? If it does than @mtward is leading you down the right path.
Posted on 04-14-2015 06:09 PM
you can repackage the apps after downloaded with a single apple ID using composer and then deploy them via self service
Posted on 04-14-2015 08:36 PM
There is a webinar tomorrow that covers DEP and VPP. Simplifying deployment with DEP and VPP
Posted on 04-15-2015 07:09 AM
@Araneta, What @pblake and @scharman stated is correct, but are talking about very different methods to accomplish the same goal. We actually use both methods in our organization for different purposes. For student/staff MacBook Airs we assign the apps via VPP and the user must accept the VPP invite and install the Apps. For Lab Macs (where many different users) are on the machines) we package up the Mac App Store Apps downloaded through our main Apple ID and then deploy to the Machines.
Important to Note: If you choose to download any Mac App Store App and repackage it with Composer for delivery via policy/self service - The Macs that the App(s) are installed on will NOT be able to be updated by the user through the App store because they will not have the Apple ID credentials that the original App was purchased with. It will be up to you to repackage any updates that come out and redeploy the Apps.
Posted on 04-15-2015 03:22 PM
Thanks everyone! :) Will probably follow @mtward instructions on repackaging it through composer.