Deploying packages without Self Service

New Contributor III

I'm able to create packages using composer, upload via casper admin and deploy them via JSS using Self Service with no problems. How can I automatically deploy a package to multiple macbooks without having the use self service?




Valued Contributor II

Sure, there are lots of ways. For example you could:

• Create a policy in the JSS to deploy based on a trigger other than "non(or Self-Service Only)" i.e.: every15, any, startup, login, logout or "other". The other trigger can really be based around any trigger you can make

• Use Casper remote. Casper remote allows you to connect to any recon'ed machine and install your previously uploaded packages and .dmgs

• IF it's a package you could also use other software like ARD or even deploy by direct connection via ssh if you like the terminal.

There are probably even more methods that I'm not thinking of right now. Personally each has advantages depending on your environment, your workflows and whatever came before you. I tend to use Self-Service ONLY for option installs, or installs that require user input/interaction.

The question is, what "Specifically" are you trying to do? We could give you a far more specific answer.

New Contributor III

HI Chris,

Thanks for the reply. What I was trying to do is sent printer drivers to all our Macbooks. I was able to do this using a normal snapshot then doing a .dmg of the snapshot then deploying the .dmg via self service. I will like to deploy printer drivers without user interaction.

Valued Contributor II

If the print driver provided by the manufacturer is a standard .pkg file typically you can upload the .pkg file to Casper Admin without any modifications and setup a policy to push the install out to your computers. I've recently done this with some Ricoh and Konica Minolta drivers for some new MFPs that we recently deployed. I created a couple policies (one for each driver) and scoped them to the appropriate computers in the policy and set them to install at the every 15 minute trigger. Of course you will want to test your policy with your test system(s) before you deploy it to all of your systems. We're using Self Service to actually add the printer to the computers after the printer drivers have been deployed.

Valued Contributor II

If that's it... you should be able to do that in a few simple ways.

1) You could simply switch the trigger from "none(Self-Service Only)" to something else. Probably the "Every15" with an execution frequency of "Once per computer"

2) With that said, I would recommend using smart-groups. For example, you create a smart group to track the computers that DO NOT have your printer package. Set your policy trigger to "Every15" (as an example) with a frequency of "ongoing". Change your scope to that smart group and make sure that you have "update inventory" checked as part of the policy.

New Contributor III

Thanks Chris and mpermann, will give those suggestions a try.