Deploying Palo Alto Traps


Hi guys,

Anyone know where is the plist for Traps Settings or way to set up the settings at all?

Been scanning for plist and any config file to set up the settings but couldnt find any.



New Contributor

Palo Alto Traps For Mac is not like a standard application.

Here is where the Palo Alto Traps For Mac installs on the local computer:

However within Traps for Mac Client Agent, there are no static/local configurations. The specific location where there are configurations which is in config folder is synced with the Palo Alto Server that manages the client. So if you are updating these xml files, it will get over written when the Traps client checks in with the server. The only configurations that you can edit during installation time is the Palo Alto Traps Server address Traps Client should initially connect (server.xml) to which is located in the install zip file provided by the person that manage your Palo Alto Servers:


New Contributor

Has anyone deployed this properly with JAMF?

New Contributor III

Yes, I have the Traps for Mac working with jamf. There are 2 options that you can use to deploy traps with jamf.

  • Option 1 - Create a custom package that lays down the installer, .version file, and custom xml file (custom client settings to set traps server addresses) in a static location on the clients computer along with a postinstall script that runs the install via the command line then put this into a policy.
  • Option 2 - Create policy with the following
    • a custom package that lays lays down the installer, .version file, and custom xml file (custom client settings to set traps server addresses) in a static location on the clients computer
    • script that triggers the install via the command line

I prefer the pkg with postinstall script because if we have to manually install traps, the experience is the same.

New Contributor III

Thought I would add to my original response since I had to make documentation for my company on how to build this installer:

Prerequisites - Traps for Mac Installer from console. Usually comes in a ZIP file.
- Custom XML file provided by Traps Administrator with organization server addresses in xml format

1. Place Traps installer, .version, xml file in a folder named Traps_macOS_installer and move folder to a temporary location on your computer. I usually use /tmp (/private/tmp). This way it will be removed at next restart.
2. Open Composer.
3. Create a new package by dragging and droping the Traps folder located in your temporary location into composer.
4. Go to the Scripts folder within your new Traps Source Package in Composer and create a postinstall script. 871b825baaa24d93ac167e7300e8778b
- Enter the following as shown in screenshot:

## postinstall
wait 10
/usr/sbin/installer -allowUntrusted -pkg /private/tmp/Traps_macOS_installer/Traps.pkg -target /
exit 0

5. Build as PKG file since you have setup the postinstall script other wise the script will be stripped from the compiled installer/dmg.

Note: As long as you keep the Traps_macOS_installer consistant and all the file names are the same then you will just need to updated the .version file and traps.pkg file and recompile.

Valued Contributor

I know this is an old post, but I have been trying without success getting the Composer created package to deploy. It seems that even though I have the package created exactly the same as yours in Composer (save for the filenames), Jamf is not deploying it to the /private/tmp/ folder, plus the script is erroring out stating that the Certificate is untrusted, to use the -allowUntrusted flag in the script...I absolutely am using it in the postinstall script! 

Jamf support sent my ticket to their engineers, but I figured you folks might have some ideas for me to try in the mean time.

Save yourself the trouble and just upload the zip file right into Jamf Pro / Jamf Admin. No need to package, it will just work as is. The zip file contains a package and your company config. Add the zip file like you would a package to your policy and you're done.

Valued Contributor

I tried that and for some reason the install still failed. What I ended up doing was making a DMG file in Composer and adding the postinstall script (as a script in Jamf Pro) to run after things were copied to the endpoint. That worked.

Depends on the failure I guess. Your admin should have supplied a zip with these files:
Cortex XDR Uninstaller
Cortex XDR.pkg
The zip deployment has worked for us without issue, so might be other factors at play. I would review the deployment guide top to bottom, including any changes to config profiles and the various different considerations for macOS versions.

I've uploaded the zip as is using Jamf Admin and deployed it out in my policy. Installs just fine. I should note that I'm using the signed Unified Configuration Profile that the vendor provided. That's deployed to all my Macs before I deploy out the package. 

Only weirdness I'm seeing is after Cortex v7.6 is installed a couple days later it get's disabled somehow and the network content filter prevents Cisco AnyConnect from connecting to VPN. My Security Team has opened a ticket with the vendor on it. I should say that if I move from Applications to the Trash it unloads all the System Extensions disabling the Network Content Filter and AnyConnect works without issues. Seen this on 3 Macs so far on Jamf Pro Cloud server.

New Contributor II

We also have some issue's with Cortex 7.5.1 and even the lastest 7.6.0
Cortex deploying to the machine works fine and also we use the unified configuration policy to the machine. But... on INtel machines no problems only on the new M! pro/max machines all internet connections will be blocked by the Cortex Network filter.

Strange thing is when we reboot with wifi enabled and only Ethernet connected the internet works fine. After enabling Wifi the connection still works but somehow the ethernet adapter will switch to 169.254.x.x. address and even the wifi connection will be enabled but no internet connection at that time.
Did some several tests and found out that a complete new machine with no mdm enrollment also has this same problem.
We contacted the vendor and they also did a remote desktop session to see what happens.... But the problem still exists for almost 5 weeks now after sending spindumps and complete log files.

Valued Contributor

Yep, was using the zip file that had those three files and a hidden 4th file, version.xml I believe. I also used all of the configuration profiles from the vendor...It would install, but wouldn't catch the config file, so Cortex was greyed out. Once I made it into a DMG with a separate script to launch the installer, then it worked. I was even using all the same files from the zip.

New Contributor

Thank you so much! I was almost on the right track to do so with instead of composer. I didn't think about using Composer in this way.


@matin Thanks for sharing, worked perfectly and saved me some time!

New Contributor II

Such a good post. Thanks man.

New Contributor II

Thank you!

New Contributor

Thanks so much for this article, its super helpful. Where do I find the .version file? Also is Config.xml the new Server.xml?

New Contributor III

The following files are create from the Traps Console. Unfortunately, I do not have access and these files are provided to me by my IT Security Team:
- .version
- Servers.xml

New Contributor II

Thank you @matin ! Issue right now is that Gatekeeper seems to be preventing the extension from running, which borks the install initially. Do you have any advice on how to disable or enable this app from running in Gatekeeper? A little cloudy on the process.


New Contributor III

@mm13 - I think you are referring to User Approved Kernel Extension Loading. My company has a hybrid of mac hardware that have been imaged via Apple DEP and QuickAdd/Jamf Imaging. We manually authorize the User Approved Kernel Extension via Security and Privacy > General tab and manually approve the User Approved MDM via profiles. For Apple DEP and Jamf 10, we are whitelisting these Kernel Extension via Configuration Profile. Hope that helps.

New Contributor III

thanks @matin you have saved me a whole load of time ! much appreciated

Contributor III

@matin Thank you for all your information. It's been a great deal of help. I did get stuck on the Kernel Extension via Configuration Profile. I did look at the links you provided, however, I can't seem to figure out how to create the profile and upload it into Jamf. We are not using a Mac Server. I do apologize since I'm really new to Jamf and Apple products in general.

All the documentation I've been reading through referred to using Profile Manager, which, appears to only be available on MacOS Server? Any tips you have will be helpful. FYI, I created a package following your instruction above and found that it would download locally to the Mac, however, never installed. Again, I suspect that the Kernel Extension Loading is what prevented that, even though nothing prompted about allowing it. In the private mp folder I see it there, however, it has a red circle with a line in the circle (similar to a hyphen).

Whatever help you can lend will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

New Contributor III

@bcbackes - If you are using jamf (like I am), you would use the built in options to create a white list configuration profile in Jamf as described by @rtrouton article Whitelisting third-party kernel extensions using profiles. You would need to scrolling down the bottom of the article on how to create one in Jamf Pro.

Note, You must be running Jamf Pro 10.3.1 or higher I think for these configuration profile options to be available.

Contributor III

Thanks @matin ! That was my issue all along. I'm running Jamf Pro 10.0.0. We are in the process of migrating our server and updating Jamf, however, we are not there yet. I've just setup a DEV Server and installed the latest Jamf Pro 10.7.0. I found the "Approved Kernel Extensions" you were talking about. I'm excited to test this out. Thanks again!

Contributor III

@matin Hello, I'm running Jamf 10.7 and have setup the Kernel Extension via Configuration Profile. I followed your instructions above as well. Palo Traps does install automatically, however, it doesn't appear to have any of the server settings in it.

I did verify that the "Servers.xml" is present with the Traps.pkg and the version file. I did create the postinstall script using the settings below:



wait 10
/usr/sbin/installer -allowUntrusted -pkg /private/tmp/Traps_macOS_installer/Traps.pkg -target /
exit 0

I've packaged this as a PKG using Composer and uploaded this to the Jamf DP. I created a Policy to deploy this to all computers (doing this in my Dev environment). It deploys out when the computer checks in, however, after it installs and I open the Traps Console, there isn't anything in there. If I try to check-in I get an error. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Any ideas?

New Contributor III

@bcbackes - Is the target client a DEP computer, user-enrolled computer or QuickAdd/Casper imaging client? Can you also verify that the target client MDM Profile is approved? This is required for the Kernel Approved Configuration Profile to deploy properly to macOS 10.13 or above clients. However, Traps for Mac install process sounds like all the components installed on the target system fine. Traps just cannot connect initially to the Traps Server. I would suggest trying the installation process on a 10.12 target client or below to verify the process.

Note, We are still utilizing the process that I wrote out in this document for 10.13 however we had to add Palo Alto to the kernel white list. Note, after the initial installation the client may require a restart.

Contributor III

Just to follow up with everyone. I did get Traps to install correctly and contain all our server information. I've even tested using @matin's suggestion on making the package name generic (versionless). Then, I drop in the new pkg, save it in Composer, then, upload it using Jamf Admin. I've deployed out newer versions to existing installations and found that they upgrade without issues. I've even created an uninstaller that seems to work just fine.

Thanks for all the help!!! This was my first successful package that I've created in Composer!

New Contributor II

EDIT- Nevermind I just noticed it was a hidden file!

Hi Everyone,

So our zip folder does not contain a .version can anyone confirm this is the new normal with version 5 or am I missing something?

New Contributor II

So I was struggling in just about every way to get this working. Both using composer and also the solution shared by Martin.

I decided to get have a zoom meeting with Palo Alto and wanted to share my findings and what got it working for me so others don't go through my pain.

Anywho, I am not sure if its a new thing or what, but you can literally drag the Zip file into JAMF Admin and create a new policy to deploy the Zip. As long as you have the right whitelist information done its as smooth as any other deployment. Blew my mind it was that easy.


Oh wow, I came to this page after googling for Jamf palo alto traps and i was the OP.....
I managed to get it working and just couldnt remember this thread...

Here how i got it working.
FYI, this is for the Cloud version and should be the same as ESM Version.
Composer - Put the Installer under /Users/Shared

Post install Script

#!/bin/bash logFile="/Users/Shared/Traps_Install.log"

Check for Log file

if [ -f $logFile ]; then echo "$(date)" >> $logFile echo "Log Present" >> $logFile else touch $logFile echo "$(date)" >> $logFile echo "Log file Created" >> $logFile fi

Install the package

echo "Installing Traps Package..." >> $logFile /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "/Users/Shared/TRAPS_Cloud_Agent_macOS_6_1.0/Traps.pkg" -target / echo "Package installed..." >> $logFile

Launch Traps Service

echo "launch Traps plist..." >> $logFile sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paloaltonetworks.trapsd.plist

Remove installer file

sudo rm -rf "/Users/Shared/TRAPS_Cloud_Agent_macOS_6_1.0" echo "deleting Traps folder" echo "complete" >> $logFile

My Policy

Extension Attribute

#!/bin/bash if [ -f /Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/version.txt ]; then version=$(cat /Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/version.txt | tail -1) echo "<result>$version</result>" else echo "<result>Not Installed</result>" fi

New Contributor


Hi, just wanted to post in this thread to see if anyone was able to resolve the issue when deploying (using Matin's steps of making a custom package in Composer) and getting a System Extension blocked pop-up for Security & Privacy. It pops up and but still allows the install to take place. What am I doing wrong that causes the pop-up?

I have the below Configuration Profile payload for Approved Kernel Extensions that is pushed before I run the policy to install the software.

Approved Team ID
DISPLAY NAME Palo Alto Traps
Approved Kernel Extensions(Optional) Approve the following bundle IDs only
DISPLAY NAME KERNEL EXTENSION BUNDLE ID com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect.gplock com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect.gpsplit com.paloaltonetworks.traps-agent com.paloaltonetworks.kext.pangpd com.paloaltonetworks.driver.kproc-ctrl


@villap5 Add Traps to an Approved Extensions Configuration Profile.

See this list for the Team ID and other information regarding Extensions.

Contributor III

@villap5 I only have the Team ID entered. I don't have anything listed under the Optional Bundle IDs. The Bundle IDs, I believe, would only allow those particular things. I've added a screenshot of my Config Profile. 9835e01dd4d24518b289564e4ecbf871

New Contributor

Has anyone been able to get a PPPC setup for Traps? When I tested our current policy on Catalina I had to approve installation of an extension and then "allow" notifications. I would like to avoid any need for user approval of the extenision and I want all users to get notifications from Traps by default


@cputnam My "Approved Kernel Extensions" Config Profile I used from Mojave works in Catalina. That includes Traps.

New Contributor

Thanks Redwings - I will compare your AKE to mine and see if there is something different.

Contributor III

Has anyone done a Jamf upgrade or Palo Alto console agent upgrade to a machine sitting at loginwindow and see it fail? I'm seeing it fail and then the agent is removed altogether! Doesn't happen if a user is logged in.

Contributor III

@davidhiggs I've just tested this myself. Mac is running Mojave 10.14.6 and Traps 6.1.0. I made sure my Mac was at the login screen with no one else logged in. Added it to the scope for my new version package in QA (Cortex 7.0.2 - name change from Traps to Cortex). I used Jamf Remote to run a "sudo jamf policy" command to the Mac to kick it off. I checked the logs and it shows as installed. I confirmed that Cortex 7.0.2 installed successfully when I logged into the Mac.

Just so you know, I have my policy set to Reoccurring Checkin and Once Per Computer.

Contributor III

@bcbackes that's interesting, this is what i'm doing too. Are you dragging the agent update as is (zip file) into Jamf and deploying that? or repackaging as suggested above? I've done both and get the same result. macOS install.log has some information i'll be reviewing with Palo Alto soon

Contributor III

@davidhiggs I did repackage it with Composer. The reason for that is I'm moving the to a hidden location of my choosing so the average end user can't uninstall it. Here's what I'm doing:

  1. Unzip the contents. I place the entire unzipped content folder into the /tmp directory - with the exception of the
  2. The I place in /var/folderIcreated for safe keeping.
  3. I pull those two things into my Composer package: the folder that contains the installer located in tmp and the uninstaller located in /var/folderIcreated.
  4. Package it up and load it into Jamf Admin.
  5. Create my policy and deploy it out.

This works like a charm for me. I suppose I could create a script to run afterwards that moves the to my desired location as well, however, I have everything right where I want it with this package and no need to create a script to run. Then for the next version I just go into composer and remove the old version files and place the new versions in there. Rinse and Repeat.

NOTE: I do change the ownership and permissions on the to Root:Wheel 754

Let me know if you have any questions.