Detecting Boot Camp installation with Casper

Not applicable

Scenario: 1000 deployed laptops. All users are admins.

Our AUP clearly states that they are not allowed to install Boot Camp
or virtualization software. I can (and have) easily detect a Parallels
or VMWare installation, but have not yet figured out how to detect if
the user has installed Boot Camp.

I've deleted the Boot Camp Assistant from the image, but a savvy user
will just get it from elsewhere.

How can I use Casper (v 7.2.1) to detect whether a machine has been boot-camped?


Damien Barrett
System Technician
Montclair Kimberley Academy
Montclair, NJ 07042


New Contributor II

I would recommend running a script grepping diskutil list. Something like this:

diskutil list | grep "Microsoft"

The machines that I have bootcamp on returned partitions.

Hope this helps!

Not applicable

I think you can do this with an extension attribute populated via a
script. You can use "diskutil list /dev/disk0" to bring up a list of the
partitions on the drive, which includes a column for type (HFS, etc.).
(I'm assuming that you don't have any fancy dual-drive laptops, so disk0
will always be the one and only internal startup disk.) I don't have any
Boot Camp partitions to check against, but I think you can then pipe the
diskutil output through sed/awk to pull out any NTFS/FAT partitions. You
could stop there and leave that as a flag for computers of interest, or
you could get fancy with some further scripting to check for the presence
of Windows OS files.


Charlie Smith
Desktop Engineer
Information Services Department (ISD)
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood St. Lexington, MA 02420
Phone: 781.981.0854
E-mail: charlie.smith at

Honored Contributor

When I ran a dual boot image I would use the df command to see if there were NTFS partitions on any volume. I don't have an NTFS partition handy at the moment (my office has 5 Macs in it, and not a single install of Windows on them) but I basically just ran something like this

if [[ df | grep -c "NTFS" == 1 ]]

then echo "Windows detected" else echo "Windows not detected"


That syntax could be super wrong since I don't have anything to test it with. Then I used dummy receipts but now with version 8 you can do extension attributes. You can also use diskutility command line as well.



echo "<result>diskutil list disk0 | grep disk0s3 | awk '{print $5}'</result>"

if you only have 1 parition normally this will output if you have a second parition together with its name, you could change to output the type


Criss Myers
Senior IT Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone / iPad Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
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