Posted on 01-12-2016 12:58 PM
Even though the version is 9.2.8, Casper of course reports 9.2.4 since that's what the app says in its 'info.plist'. How are others getting the actual version of Sophos Anti-virus?
Posted on 01-12-2016 01:27 PM
Hadn't noticed that yet. I see they only populated the short version and the BundleVersion string isn't even populated. It might be possible to pull this from the sophos command line but I wouldn't hold my breath. This looks like a Sophos support ticket is necessary. With the version info being absent from everywhere OS X knows to look, I don't see an easy way to get this info...
Posted on 01-12-2016 01:31 PM
I don't have Sophos, so I can't check, but does mdls
also show the wrong version info? I'm assuming it does. If so, then I would agree with @john_wetter. Sophos would have to fix it. Someone messed up it seems.
Posted on 01-12-2016 01:42 PM
Yes, mdls also shows as 9.2.4 so I do think we're stuck on this one.
Posted on 01-12-2016 04:44 PM
@bpavlov Perhaps you could change your reporting EA to look here instead.
/Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/product-info.plist
As such
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :ProductVersion:" /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/product-info.plist
Posted on 01-13-2016 02:15 AM
Doesn't Sophos refer to the Installer when they quote version and not the version of the App.
defaults read /Library/Application Support/Sophos/opm/ CFBundleShortVersionString
Posted on 01-13-2016 10:12 AM
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Looks like there are at least two different places where I could possibly get the information from. Extension Attribute, here I come!
@sean Not sure what Sophos' intention, but considering it seems like the version was always up to date in previous versions up until 9.2.4 I believe this may be a simple case of oversight. I noticed this same thing in 9.2.7 as well but at the time didn't make a big deal out of it. But now I want to make sure we're ready for OS X 10.11 and want to get everyone on at least 9.2.8.
I believe I've submitted a ticket with Sophos Support about this. I say believe because I've never contacted them for anything so here's hoping they get the feedback that I did submit. On a somewhat related note, is anyone using a newer version of Sophos Anti-virus (I think preview is at 9.4.1)? Any idea if the version mismatch still exists?
Posted on 01-13-2016 10:38 AM
I am on Sophos 9.4.1 and the JSS reports 9.4.0 under the Applications section. I also use an extension attribute to determine the Sophos version:
SophosVers=$( defaults read /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/product-info ProductVersion )
if [[ "$SophosVers" == "" ]]; then
echo "<result>N/A</result>"
echo "<result>$SophosVers</result>"
Posted on 01-13-2016 10:41 AM
Here are a few more handy Sophos Extension Attributes:
Display last time Sophos updated:
SophosUpdated=$( defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.sophos.sau LastUpdated )
if [[ "$SophosUpdated" == "" ]]; then
echo "<result>N/A</result>"
echo "<result>$SophosUpdated</result>"
Display Sophos primary server URL:
SophosURL=$( defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.sophos.sau PrimaryServerURL )
if [[ "$SophosURL" == "" ]]; then
echo "<result>N/A</result>"
echo "<result>$SophosURL</result>"
Posted on 01-14-2016 12:54 AM
@bpavlov As said, the version that Sophos are quoting I believe is the version, not the version of the Sophos, since the app is just part of the install. So the version of Sophos will be 9.2.4 and I doubt there is anything for them to correct. It happens that the parts installed around the app have progressed and so the has been incremented.
For example:
As a developer you are only going to increment the version if changes are made to the app. So installer 9.2.7 and 9.2.8 would both install the unchanged Sophos version 9.2.4. Likewise, the app would have been updated to 9.4.0 and since then, other components have been updated meaning that the installer will now be 9.4.1, but the app will still be 9.4.0.
This isn't in any way unique; previous release:
# defaults read /Applications/Sophos CFBundleShortVersionString
# defaults read /Library/Application Support/Sophos/opm/ CFBundleShortVersionString
Asking them to increment the version of the app to constantly be inline with the installer would be a nightmare for the devs. They would end up with several versions of the app all being the same thing, so I wouldn't expect this to change.
defaults read /Library/Application Support/Sophos/opm/receiptConfiguration.plist
Of course, Casper is reporting the version of Apps in /Applications. Set up an EA ,as posted by @dgreening, reading the product-info or the installer app if you want to know what is installed instead of reporting the version of the app.
Posted on 02-03-2016 07:46 AM
Does anyone know how to script an Extension Attribute to get the Sophos Antivirus Definitions Date?
I am running version 9 and the Extension Attributes that I have found so far do not work consistently. Also not all computers got the sweep file on the same location /usr/bin/sweep, many got it at /usr/local/bin/sweep
The result is that some computers show the right date, some others show a "Not Installed" output and some others show an empty field on the reports.
Posted on 02-03-2016 09:36 AM
You might want to run an if statement that checks where the sweep binary is located and then set that location as the variable to use for the rest of the script so then all you'd technically would have to do is reference $sweep.
Posted on 02-03-2016 11:52 AM
Can't remember where I got these, but this is what we use.
Sophos Virus Definition Date:
#This script has been verified to work on Sophos (v 7.1).
#Check to see if Sophos is installed
if [ -f "/usr/bin/sweep" ]; then
result=`/bin/date -j -f "%b %d %Y" "$(/usr/bin/sweep -v | grep "Released" | awk '{print $4, $3, $5}')" "+%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00"`
echo "<result>$result</result>"
echo "<result>Not installed</result>"
Sophos Virus Definition Version
#This script has been verified to work on Sophos (v 7.1).
#Check to see if Sophos is installed
if [ -f "/usr/bin/sweep" ]; then
result=`/usr/bin/sweep -v | grep "Virus data version" | awk '{print $5}'`
echo "<result>$result</result>"
echo "<result>Not Installed</result>"
Posted on 02-03-2016 03:24 PM
Sweep is very slow. Check out
awk -F """ '/VirusData Version/ {print $(NF-1)}' /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/VDL/vvf.xml
Virus Data Version:
awk -F """ '/VirusData Version/ {print $2}' /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/VDL/vvf.xml
Posted on 02-04-2016 01:45 AM
Thank you all, this is what I have come up with and it seems to be working fine so far:
Sean (or anyone), how would you change my version so that it uses your "Release" version above without looking at sweep? Regardless of the output speed, it seems safer not to be looking at a file that can be installed at different locations depending on the original version of the installer.
Posted on 02-04-2016 12:42 PM
@sean I like it. Updated our EAs. Thanks!
Posted on 02-04-2016 12:51 PM
@hugo.iturralde You can reduce your EA to the following by using @sean suggestion:
result=`awk -F """ '/VirusData Version/ {print $(NF-1)}' /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/VDL/vvf.xml`
echo "<result>$result</result>"
result=`awk -F """ '/VirusData Version/ {print $2}' /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/VDL/vvf.xml`
echo "<result>$result</result>"
Posted on 02-04-2016 02:51 PM
If I wanted to use sweep in particular, then I'd probably just let the OS get the path for me. I'd also set the not installed to a date, that way the EA can be set as a date format rather than having mixed responses. You can then do date is newer than....
the_sweep=`which sweep`
if [ $? = 0 ]
get_release=`$the_sweep -v | awk -F ":" '/Released/ {print $NF}'`
result=`/bin/date -j -f " %d %b %Y" "${get_release}" "+%Y-%m-%d"`
echo "<result>$result</result>"
exit 0
Otherwise as suggested by @stevewood it's just a case of running pretty much that line, surrounded by some error checking. Could use different hours:mins:secs or a different date to distinguish between the two alternative cases, instead of the same default date.
if [ -e /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/VDL/vvf.xmfl ]
result=`awk -F """ '/VirusData Version/ {print $(NF-1)}' /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/VDL/vvf.xml`
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "<result>$result</result>"
exit 0
I'm also a fan of bash rather than sh. Although they both report as being bash...
mymac:~ root# bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.53(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin13)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
mymac:~ root# sh --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.53(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin13)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
..they aren't and bash has more to offer eg. sh can't do process substitution. Taking the above sophos as an example. Run this as sh and it will fail.
the_sweep=`which sweep`
if [ $? = 0 ]
# Use process substitution to make variables available outside loop
while read line
case "$line" in
result_date=`/bin/date -j -f " %d %b %Y" "${line##*:}" "+%Y-%m-%d"`
"Virus data version"*)
"Data file name"*)
done < <($the_sweep -v)
result="$result_date :$result_version"
result="Not installed"
echo "<result>$result</result>"
sh scripts should be able to be run as bash, bash scripts may or may not be able to be run as sh.