Endnote X7.5 for Office 2016 message "Grant Access to 'com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist'"

Contributor II

Endnote X7.5 has been released which supports Office 2016. After configuring Endnote X7.5 and adding the toolbar to Office Word 2016, every user that logs into the Mac and opens Word 2016 gets the following message "Grant Access to 'com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist'". This is due to Word 2016 being sandboxed. I was wondering if anyone had advice on how to avoid this message from displaying in a lab environment?


Valued Contributor III

Not really a fix, but a little better than the default behaviour, use FUT and FUE to populate:


For all current and new users, then at least it's preselected and you just press "Grant Access".
The original appears to reside in:

/Applications/EndNote X7/EndNote X7.app/Contents/Resources/com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote.plist

Contributor II

Thanks for that Samuel, that worked. I need to to find a way to supress the message from displaying in the labs, the users are not mobile accounts so they will continually need to select "grant access".