Device Check-in

New Contributor III

We are having a number of devcies that are not checking in. This is not a reoccuring thing but it is random.
Example: I have one device that the MDM-SCEP Cert became invalid. By removing the MDM and then re-enrolling the device via User-initiaded the device is now communicating succesfully. 

Anyone have an idea why this is happening?


Esteemed Contributor

Try to avoid user initiated enrollment, you do not get full management with that. How frequently do you reboot your devices? Long up times can cause all kinds of issues with daemons.

New Contributor III

At this time we have 311 devices that are not checking in. When we fine the issue the only thing wrong is that is does not allow Configuration Profiles to install. I thought the issue was related to APNS cert but that is up to date. I came across the SCEP issue by chance confirming the MDM Profile was good. We do not force restart devices.