Posted on 05-26-2023 09:50 AM
We have tried to set up device compliance multiple times and it keeps failing on registration.
I currently have a ticket open with jamf support but its going nowhere.
I have upgraded my cloud to version 10.46.1
Here is part of the log from the company portal app.
2023-05-25 13:37:31.279 | workplaceJoinSdk | 344229 | INFO: -[WPJBaseKeychainAccessor getRegistrationInformationWithTenantIdentifierInternal:domainName:error:] [Line 190][2023-05-25 13:37:31 +0000][WPJBaseKeychainAccessor] getRegistrationInformationWithTenantIdentifierInternal - check for incomplete registration or no registration.
2023-05-25 13:37:31.279 | workplaceJoinSdk | 344229 | ERROR: [errorCode:-400][2023-05-25 13:37:31 +0000][WPJBaseKeychainAccessor] getRegistrationInformationWithTenantIdentifierInternal - tenant is unregistered!
2023-05-25 13:37:31.280 | workplaceJoinSdk | 344229 | ERROR: [errorCode:-400][2023-05-25 13:37:31 +0000][WPJDecisionHandler] retrieveKeychainAccessorForTenantInternal - unable to retrieve valid registration information for the tenant.
but we see it connected in both jamf device compliance and intune partner compliance mangement.
is someone able to show me the permissions applied to both of these apps so that i can compare to ours?
User registration app for Device Compliance
Cloud Connector for Device Compliance
I have tried everything, sudo jamf manage prior to registration, i have applied the webkeyview config profile to eliminate the browser, The jamfAAD never pops up for us . just fails after inputting credentials.
I would appreciate any and all assistance. tyvm!
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-04-2023 01:21 PM - edited 06-04-2023 01:24 PM
For all of you who are looking to configured Device Compliance with Jamf, here are the detailed steps you need to do. Jamfs KB is lacking and Tech Support for this didn’t help so I am documenting what we did.
Current steps at the time of this writing, Take note of Requirements in each KB:
Jamf KB -
Microsoft KB -
*-Note, if you currently have Conditional Access from Jamf connected to Intune, its up to you if you want to disable this prior to configuring Device Compliance. We had this connected but where not utilizing it for anything so we disabled it (incorrectly I might -see correct steps to decommission it below) so we didn’t have to do it later when it gets decommissioned by Jamf (est. mid 2024).
Microsoft KB for Conditional access, see the section for deprovisioning-
This is what was causing us issues with registering with the Company Portal app, which kept failing. Once we were able to get the Conditional Access to show “terminated” in Intune, then we were able to register devices.
At the time of this writing we are on Jamf Pro Cloud 10.46.1 and did not have to run a sudo jamf manage prior to enrolling. Also devices that get enrolled show up in Azure AD devices and show compliant or not compliant.
From Step 8 -Script to auto run self service policy, change policy ID and text to your needs.
# Define Variables
brandIcon="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/"
#get logged in user
loggedInUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
answer=$( osascript << EOF
button returned of (display dialog "Please finish setting up your computer by running the Register Mac Device with Azure AD in Self Service. Click OK to get started!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon POSIX file "$brandIcon")
echo "$answer"
if [[ $answer -eq "OK" ]]; then
su "$loggedInUser" -c "killall Self\ Service"
su "$loggedInUser" -c "open \"jamfselfservice://content?entity=policy&id=$policyID&action=view\""
From Step 9- Ext attribute
#get user
loggedInUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
#check if wpj private key is present
WPJKey=$(security dump /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db | grep MS-ORGANIZATION-ACCESS)
if [ ! -z "$WPJKey" ]
#WPJ key is present
#check if jamfAAD plist exists
if [ ! -f "$plist" ]; then
#plist doesn't exist
echo "<result>WPJ Key present, JamfAAD PLIST missing</result>"
exit 0
#PLIST exists. Check if jamfAAD has acquired AAD ID
AAD_ID=$(defaults read /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/ have_an_Azure_id)
echo "$AAD_ID"
if [[ $AAD_ID -eq "1" ]]; then
#jamfAAD ID exists
echo "<result>Registered</result>"
exit 0
#WPJ is present but no AAD ID acquired:
echo "<result>WPJ Key Present. AAD ID not acquired</result>"
exit 0
#no wpj key
echo "<result>Not Registered</result>"
From Step 10- JamfAAD to use Webview Configuration Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
From Step 11-Microsoft Enterprise SSO plugin
Payload Type – SSO
Ext. ID -
Team ID - UBF8T346G9
Sign-on Type- Redirect
Auth Method- Password
Custom Config .plist
{ "AppPrefixAllowList": { "value": ",,com.jamf.,com.jamfsoftware.", "type": "string" }, "browser_sso_interaction_enabled": { "value": 1, "type": "integer" }, "disable_explicit_app_prompt": { "value": 1, "type": "integer" } }
06-04-2023 01:21 PM - edited 06-04-2023 01:24 PM
For all of you who are looking to configured Device Compliance with Jamf, here are the detailed steps you need to do. Jamfs KB is lacking and Tech Support for this didn’t help so I am documenting what we did.
Current steps at the time of this writing, Take note of Requirements in each KB:
Jamf KB -
Microsoft KB -
*-Note, if you currently have Conditional Access from Jamf connected to Intune, its up to you if you want to disable this prior to configuring Device Compliance. We had this connected but where not utilizing it for anything so we disabled it (incorrectly I might -see correct steps to decommission it below) so we didn’t have to do it later when it gets decommissioned by Jamf (est. mid 2024).
Microsoft KB for Conditional access, see the section for deprovisioning-
This is what was causing us issues with registering with the Company Portal app, which kept failing. Once we were able to get the Conditional Access to show “terminated” in Intune, then we were able to register devices.
At the time of this writing we are on Jamf Pro Cloud 10.46.1 and did not have to run a sudo jamf manage prior to enrolling. Also devices that get enrolled show up in Azure AD devices and show compliant or not compliant.
From Step 8 -Script to auto run self service policy, change policy ID and text to your needs.
# Define Variables
brandIcon="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/"
#get logged in user
loggedInUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
answer=$( osascript << EOF
button returned of (display dialog "Please finish setting up your computer by running the Register Mac Device with Azure AD in Self Service. Click OK to get started!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon POSIX file "$brandIcon")
echo "$answer"
if [[ $answer -eq "OK" ]]; then
su "$loggedInUser" -c "killall Self\ Service"
su "$loggedInUser" -c "open \"jamfselfservice://content?entity=policy&id=$policyID&action=view\""
From Step 9- Ext attribute
#get user
loggedInUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
#check if wpj private key is present
WPJKey=$(security dump /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db | grep MS-ORGANIZATION-ACCESS)
if [ ! -z "$WPJKey" ]
#WPJ key is present
#check if jamfAAD plist exists
if [ ! -f "$plist" ]; then
#plist doesn't exist
echo "<result>WPJ Key present, JamfAAD PLIST missing</result>"
exit 0
#PLIST exists. Check if jamfAAD has acquired AAD ID
AAD_ID=$(defaults read /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/ have_an_Azure_id)
echo "$AAD_ID"
if [[ $AAD_ID -eq "1" ]]; then
#jamfAAD ID exists
echo "<result>Registered</result>"
exit 0
#WPJ is present but no AAD ID acquired:
echo "<result>WPJ Key Present. AAD ID not acquired</result>"
exit 0
#no wpj key
echo "<result>Not Registered</result>"
From Step 10- JamfAAD to use Webview Configuration Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
From Step 11-Microsoft Enterprise SSO plugin
Payload Type – SSO
Ext. ID -
Team ID - UBF8T346G9
Sign-on Type- Redirect
Auth Method- Password
Custom Config .plist
{ "AppPrefixAllowList": { "value": ",,com.jamf.,com.jamfsoftware.", "type": "string" }, "browser_sso_interaction_enabled": { "value": 1, "type": "integer" }, "disable_explicit_app_prompt": { "value": 1, "type": "integer" } }
Posted on 11-07-2023 09:53 PM
Where do you add the custom configuration plist file? I created a file with the above info then attempted to add this into Jamf 11.0.1 and i get an error Invalid resource file. File cannot be processed.
Posted on 11-14-2023 12:35 AM
are you using the right file? When coping the Code to an Editor it says by default .xml.
Try to change it to .plist
Posted on 11-14-2023 12:50 AM
Thanks Mathias...Managed to get this all sorted now and functioning
Posted on 11-14-2023 12:33 AM
very good Instructions, most of them were helpful to us.
One Question is left:
After all the Registration and successfully compliant tagged Devices. We are having trouble getting "Device ID" and "Join type" of all our Users.. Edge and Safari are working fine, only Chrome and Firefox wont ereport any Details.
Thanks for your help!
Posted on 09-20-2024 10:54 AM
Have a similar issue, we never used JAMF conditional access. Tried to terminate the connection but it just said not connected. Tried to set it up but now the JAMF conditional access page has a big ol' warning on it saying it's deprecated so I can't complete it and Intune is stuck waiting on JAMF approval.
I Ran the command Suso JAMF Manage and then /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamfAAD gatherAADInfo on the Mac but that brings up what appears to be the old Jamf Conditional access window. Not the JAMFAAD message that I can see in the documentation.
As far as I can tell everything is set up correctly, Intune and JAMF both say device compliance is successfully connected. But whenever I launch the register policy from Self-service it launches Company portal, allows me to sign in, then doesn't bring up the JAMFAAD window. After running those commands it brings up the Jamf Conditional access window whenever I run the register computer policy. I reimaged the mac and tried the same steps and it's doing the same thing.
I've spent a good 6+ hours on this issue with no resolution. Really not as seamless as it should be.
Posted on 09-23-2024 08:16 PM
Found a solution for my specific issue and posting in case it helps in the future. The problem was apparently the registration app didn't have a default browser to use but JAMF Support provided an article for how to specify one, after adding the PLIST file it works for me.
Posted on 01-19-2025 08:33 AM
Would you mind sharing your plist? The article you linked has been retired.
Posted on 01-23-2025 07:59 AM
This should be it. Hopefully the retiring doesn't mean it's been deprecated.
Preference Domain:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">