Device identity certifiate - not present on 20 - 50 ipads...

Contributor II

I am trying to identify why the device identity certificate would disappear from 10-50 or so iPads, that previously had working communication to our server.

Without doing any further tests, I thought I would check here if any one else may have encountered this problem and identify the main cause? I was wondering if this was due to doing a reset all settings option on all the iPads?

We've been running casper since around 9.2 some of the devices have been enrolled much later than 9.2 - with now running 9.7.3

See attached mdm profile for example:1d06252b924c47e495ff182c6cb69bb3


Contributor III

Resurrecting thread. I am now wiping/reconfig 2 ipads that also had their Device Identity & Certificate Certs missing. iOS 9.3.1 with JSS 9.91. My 1st reaction is the kids were doing some shenanigans but now I'm thinking not.

New Contributor III

Tell your TAM I'm seeing same thing on some devices. It seems like it has to do with devices with low space on the device.