Posted on 08-23-2015 11:19 PM
I am trying to identify why the device identity certificate would disappear from 10-50 or so iPads, that previously had working communication to our server.
Without doing any further tests, I thought I would check here if any one else may have encountered this problem and identify the main cause? I was wondering if this was due to doing a reset all settings option on all the iPads?
We've been running casper since around 9.2 some of the devices have been enrolled much later than 9.2 - with now running 9.7.3
See attached mdm profile for example:
Posted on 04-28-2016 09:16 AM
Resurrecting thread. I am now wiping/reconfig 2 ipads that also had their Device Identity & Certificate Certs missing. iOS 9.3.1 with JSS 9.91. My 1st reaction is the kids were doing some shenanigans but now I'm thinking not.
Posted on 04-28-2016 09:21 AM
Tell your TAM I'm seeing same thing on some devices. It seems like it has to do with devices with low space on the device.