Devices compliance reports in Jamf Pro

New Contributor

Hi all,

I would like some help if possible on getting compliance reports of our devices in Jamf Pro, is this possible? I looked around and have not find that. Basically what I need is to produce reports of devices which are out of compliance (outdated apps, outdated OS versions, patching, etc..) and which apps need to be patched as well as machines that need OS patching. Is this possible or is it an alternative? Thanks in advance.


Valued Contributor

Hi erickm, I would recommend you use the Patch management for that. Once you create it for the OS or any app, allow the macs check in/inventory, then you can see what macs are out of date and you can create a csv report of it. If an app isn't available in the patch management then the other option is to use a smart group.

New Contributor

Thanks Junji,

I will look at that. Would patch management let me automate send out of those reports to a distribution email?

Valued Contributor

I believe you can, not using the Jamf Pro instance but instead use the Jamf API. In your Jamf API, look for Patch Reports. You can use curl to get the reports and send an email.

New Contributor

Thanks. I have never worked with APIs, can you point me to a site that shows how to do this? Or can you give me some instructions? I read on a different post that in the latest releases of Jamf Pro, the ability to schedule a report to be pulled and emailed out to a list of recipients is built into the product but I do not see this. I am using Jamf Pro on the web. Thanks again.

Valued Contributor

Are you familiar with using curl?

New Contributor

Yea I have used curl to test connection to a web page, I am just not too proficient with the syntax but can look it up. Any suggestions?

Valued Contributor

To view what available API commands you can use. Please go to your jamf instance eg. https://your_jamf_instance/api

There is a section in the API where you can test the command. It will provide you the syntax

Here is a guide you can reference:



New Contributor

Thanks. I will do this and report back. I appreciate your help.