Posted on 10-01-2015 10:10 AM
I'm seeing an odd issue that if I run sudo jamf recon when connecting through our DMZ webapp, a new extension attribute I create doesn't get checked (I can see which ones its checking by using "-verbose"). I would have figured that the extension attributes that need to be queried would live in the database, but it doesn't appear to be that way.
I've tried to replicate to the DP that lives on the server that the webapp lives on, but that didn't seem to do anything (granted, you don't have to have a DP on a server hosting a webapp).
Anyone seen this issue before or know where one might force it to get all extension attributes??
Thanks for any help!
Posted on 10-01-2015 10:25 AM
Ahh, looks like a restart of Tomcat will fix the issues. Now I'm curious if I never restart tomcat when the new extension attributes would get loaded. We're moving Tomcat to a completely separate server from the JSS database, so if we need to manually reload Tomcat each time we change/update/add extension attributes, that would be really annoying.