Posted on 05-13-2011 01:40 PM
TGIF Everyone,
I have been working on getting our directory bindings working as intended. We have implemented the "Magic" or "Golden" triangle approach with our Mac clients and Mac server infrastructure. So, I went into Casper using the JSS web service on the server to set up the AD bindings and they work great! Then I am trying to create the Open Directory bindings on the server using the same browser to access the Open Directory binding information. It seems very simple and straight forward. When I run Casper imaging to simply add the bindings to a client Mac, only the AD binding is working. I have AD binding as priority of 1 and the Open Directory as Priority of 5.
I had it working yesterday, but I must have changed something because now the OD binding is not working. I can manually, on the client, type in the same information and it works fine. So, I have no idea what to check next.
Any thoughts out there?
As always, thank you to those that do respond….