Disable forced Chrome extension for specific sites

New Contributor

We currently have a Chrome extension, which is force installed on all Devices. We also have a website, which all employees use daily, but unfortunately, that extensions gives annoying pop ups on that site, which are not needed. 

Question is, is it possible to disable that Chrome Extension, just for that 1 website, but have it working for all other sites? 

Thanks in advance. 


Esteemed Contributor

This is more of a Google question then a Jamf question. However, as far as I am aware extensions are either on or they are off, and you cannot cherry pick which websites extensions are annoying for. As far as if the extension itself can be told to not do a thing on a specific page, that would be down to the back-end management of that extension.

New Contributor

Thanks for the reply. I guess that is true, but then I might have a different question. I did the Extension installation as described in this post: https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/force-install-chrome-extensions/m-p/310065#M269680

This does not allow anyone to turn off the extension. Is that somewhat reversible in a sense, that users would be able to turn it on and off on demand? Currently with this, the Extension is always on and cannot be turned off.