Posted on 11-24-2014 03:03 PM
Hello Mac geniuses of the JAMF Nation!
We have been plagued by a pesky modifier key combination for as long as I can remember command + drag = move. Apple included the "Move" command many many years ago. Most of the time it doesn't bother us but every here or there a user holds the command key instead of the option key when attempting to copy a file from one location to another. It looks like they are making a normal copy, but once it finishes, the original is removed. Most people don't even notice the original disappear. This is particularly disastrous when staff inadvertently move things to their desktop. They make modifications to the file or delete it thinking the original was left behind on the server. If we're lucky they realize the original is gone before our backups expire. If we aren't so lucky the file is lost forever.
Has anyone ever tried to disable this pesky modifier key in the Finder? Any thoughts how we might do this?