Disable Sleep/Restart/Shut Down on Apple Menu

Contributor II

I'd like to set a Configuration Profile or policy on my Mac mini servers to grey out or hide the Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down options on the Apple Menu (login window too, but I think I already know how to do that part). The purpose to this is to force someone to open a Terminal and issue a shut down or restart command which would ensure someone doesn't just click the wrong button.

Is there a way to set this? it is for Mavericks 10.9.3.

Thank you


New Contributor III

i believe with a login window configuration profile you can disable the shut down button and with a login window managed preference you can disable all...

Contributor III

This will disable the sleep button.


defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.PowerManagement SystemPowerSettings -dict SleepDisabled -bool YES

New Contributor II

Do you know of a way to disable the Sleep option in the Finder drop-down menu?

Release Candidate Programs Tester


You can accomplish this through configuration profiles in the JSS. Use the "Finder" payload select the "Command" tab and uncheck "Restart" and "Shut Down" boxes. This combined with the above command for turning off "Sleep" should get you what you need.

New Contributor

Hi Christopher M.J. Tangora,

Can you please post command to disable shutdown here. Your posted command for sleep worked like charm!


New Contributor III

Hi all!
It looks like in 10.11.x the Finder configuration profile with unchecked "Shut Down" box is not working.
Does anyone have a solution? Thanks


Yeah I can confirm that Finder configuration profile with unchecked "Shut Down" box and the others are not working for me either - testing on 10.11.4 EL Capitan with JSS 9.82