Disabling Airdrop for Monterey and Newer

New Contributor II


is anyone able to assist me on how I can disable Airdrop using Jamf Pro?

I have already tried the method using configuration profile>restrictions>media>unchecking airdrop. (this did not work) 

can someone please help me by giving me step by step instructions on how to get this done successfully?

Any help with be appreciated! 


New Contributor

Valued Contributor

My fleet has AirDrop disabled via configuration profile. Make sure your Macs have 'MDM Capability: Yes'; test and verify your APNS (push certificate); make sure devices don't have any pending or failed commands (and send a Blank push, just in case).  You will not find any other reliable method for disabling AirDrop (the era of 'defaults write' is over).

New Contributor III


the recent method and script which i have shared in other thread on the same topic is working for me on Ventura also


New Contributor II

figured out a way to get this done for those who may have also encountered issues like I did.... 

for os Big Sur and Newer, use this method. 


Create a configuration profile >restrictions>media>turn off airdrop> go to sharing services> uncheck airplay from there too.


go into application & custom settings 

click upload> under preference domain> add com.apple.applicationaccess

Property List > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

add your scope then save your configuration profile.  A restart is needed in order for this to take place. 

Once restarted you should see Airdrop disabled.