A new OS in the fall means it's time to review and update EAs. Post your
new versions that will support macOS Sequoia (15). I realized that I
still had one using `airport` (which is (way) deprecated), so here's my
new Current Wi-Fi.sh: #!/bin/bash # ...
I've been requested to remove the 'Relocated Items' alias that can be
generated by updating macOS Catalina. By itself this is very
straight-forward: check for the presence of Relocated Items and move to
the $currentUser .Trash if so. What I need to f...
Sloth is a Mac application that displays a list of all open files and
sockets in use by all running applications on your system. This makes it
easy to discover which apps are using which files and sockets. Sloth is
essentially a friendly GUI built on...
Also, be sure to file Feedback with Apple (use your Managed AppleID if
you have one) requesting that Safari's extension management be improved
to match the Chromium-based browsers. Right now, Safari can be
configured to allow extensions or block them...
It's Teams - don't trust it. Try killing all Teams related processes
(helpers and renderers etc), and coreaudiod for good measure, and you
shouldn't have to restart. I've also found the Insider Fast releases to
typically be as good or better than wha...
If you have a 'managed' Apple Account from ABM/ASM, use that to go sign
in to AppleSeed and grab Mac Eval Utility (MEU) from the Resources
section. Aside from being a terrific tool it will also help you
determine of network conditions are impacting y...
In most cases, the first profile will be authoritative, and subsequent
profiles will be ignored - but this is not universally true for all the
various combinations of OS and application domain. If you want to see
one of the most infuriating things Ap...