Dock Configuration Profile Failing

Contributor III

I just built a Configuration Profile to manage my dock settings.

Here's some info about my test environment...

JSS 9.32
OS X 10.9.4
APNS certificates are enabled and in place.
Push Notifications are enabled.
Target Mac is a MacBookAir6,1 (11-inch, Mid 2013)

Here is the setting I'm trying to enforce:

"Minimize window into app icon" is checked

When this is applied, this setting doe not take affect.

When I open System Preferences -> Dock the "Minimize window into app icon" is unchecked.

I have also tried killing the dock via command line, logging out and back in and rebooting.

No joy.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

Caine Hörr

A reboot a day keeps the admin away!


New Contributor

What level do you have the Configuration Profile applied?

Contributor III

@hesterd - Please elaborate. What do you mean by "what level"?

Kind regards,

Caine Hörr

A reboot a day keeps the admin away!

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I think @hesterd is asking if the profile is set to user or computer level.

Contributor III


AH! I believe we set it to the computer level.

This was a side exercise during the CCA class that we were playing with.

We never did figure it out (including instructor). But I don't think we gave consideration to the "level".

Perhaps I'll try at the user level on my own and see if the issue persists.

Kind regards,

Caine Hörr

A reboot a day keeps the admin away!