EA or Script to Find Large Files & Folders

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I'm looking to get some insight into large files and folders on computers before they get to our office. We are seeing a large number of requests come in for not being able to update their macOS dues to low available storage so I'd like to be able to get a report on who has what storage left, easily looking into a device record and see the top 5 or 10 large files and folders. I've been playing with the "du" and "find" commands but struggling to put it together in a useable format for a script or extensions attribute. Does anyone have anything?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Nope, not yet.

Contributor II

what I am using seems to work for us, ymmv. As always test:


LOGGEDIN=`ls -l /dev/console | awk '/ / { print $3 }'`

LARGEFILE=`sudo find /Users/$LOGGEDIN -type f -size +1G`

echo "<result>$LARGEFILE</result>"

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Thanks will play with this today. Did you consider searching the whole HD as opposed to the logged in user folder, and did you work on adding the actual file size to the list?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I did add the size to each with below, now playing with searching the whole HD as opposed to just the user folder


LOGGEDIN=`ls -l /dev/console | awk '/ / { print $3 }'`

LARGEFILE=`sudo find /Users/$LOGGEDIN -type f -size +5G -exec du -hs {} \; | sort -hr`



Contributor III

Unable to scan all the hard drive, getting operation not permitted on lots of folders. I used "find /" rather using "find /Users/XXX"

Valued Contributor III

running that in an EA is quite an overhead every time you run a recon.. you may be better off moving this to a policy, writing the data out to a file and then using a EA to collect that data. 


Alternative is to use a smart group with 'Boot Percentage Full' more than XX percent (80 seems to work), you can then get this to email where needed... 


Contributor II

Hey @TomDay ,

that is what I was going to recommend, got busy prepping for Ventura, good start sir

Valued Contributor II

#Large File Export for Enrolled Devices

#Part A: Search for files based on Disk Usage

largeFileExport=$(du -achgx / | awk '$1>5 {print $0}' | sort -n | grep -v -e "Operation|not|permitted")
echo "<result>$largeFileExport</result>"