EA to determine the current network negotiation speed

Contributor II

I have found several extension attributes that will help me determine which network a Mac OS device is on, etc…

I need something a little different. I have a bunch of systems in a couple of old buildings with a mix of new and old switches that are not capable of 1000MB speeds. I need to be able to determine which clients are connecting at 1000MB and which are connecting at 100MB.

Does anyone have a EA that will report the speed the device is currently negotiating?


Legendary Contributor III

Are we talking Ethernet or with an Ethernet dongle, or Wi-Fi? I assume the former, but wasn't 100% sure. Maybe its for both?
The way it would be done for each type of port is going to be different. Should be possible to write one EA that can capture that for whatever the active connection is though.

Contributor II

it would be Ethernet and Ethernet with a dongle. No Wi-Fi.

Legendary Contributor III

Ok, well, I put this together, which will get the results for either one. You can I guess modify it to only report on Ethernet. Just change the if/then block to simply report N/A or something if it doesn't see an active Ethernet type port.


ALLPORTS=$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | awk -F' ' '/Device:/{print $NF}')

while read PORT; do
    if [[ $(ifconfig "$PORT" 2>/dev/null | awk '/status:/{print $NF}') == "active" ]]; then
        ActivePortName=$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep -B1 "$PORT" | awk -F': ' '/Hardware Port/{print $NF}')
done < <(printf '%s

if [[ "$ActivePortName" =~ "Ethernet" ]]; then
    LinkSpeed=$(ifconfig $ActivePort | awk -F': ' '/media:/{print $NF}')

Results="Port: ${ActivePortName}
Speed:  $LinkSpeed"

elif [[ "$ActivePortName" =~ "Wi-Fi" ]]; then
    MaxLinkSpeed=$(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | awk '/maxRate/{print $NF}')
    CurrentLinkSpeed=$(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | awk '/lastTxRate/{print $NF}')

Results="Port:     ${ActivePortName}
Max:        $MaxLinkSpeed
Current:    $CurrentLinkSpeed"




echo "<result>$Results</result>"

You could also edit it so the Results variable doesn't contain any labels in it like I've done. Just set the speed result as the $Results variable.

Contributor II

Wow! I was hoping somebody had one I could grab. I never expected someone to write on… especially within an hour of me posting the request.

Thank you. It works perfectly.

Legendary Contributor III

You're welcome. To be honest, it came from a few different snippets of code from similar scripts, so I didn't really write it from scratch. :)
I just noticed that for some reason the version I posted was getting the active port name twice, which is unnecessary.

For the purpose of anyone else that might happen upon this, I edited the version above to remove the redundant line.

Contributor III

Stumbled on this looking around for a way to distinguish if a user's connecting through a cellular data connection, and if so, to not execute a policy that otherwise pushes large content to the device. It's tricky... because they could be tethered over WiFi to a phone or hotspot, which might show as the maximum WiFi speed which might be faster than the cellular data connection's actual speed (and we don't want our users pulling down gigs of their limited data for a software update.)

Nevermind. I just realized/remembered the (right/easy/good enough) way to do this is to include/exclude specific network segments from the scoping of such policies.