edu Casper installations in western new england?

New Contributor

I would love to see a real-life .edu Casper installation in my area - anyone know of one within ~ 50 miles of zip code 01075? (South Hadley, 5-college area)
thanks -

Luke Jaeger | Technology Coordinator
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School


Legendary Contributor III

I don't know for sure, but there may be some in the Pioneer Valley area. I do know there are definitely some as you get to around Worcester and further east, more concentrated the closer to Boston you get. But those may be too far away for you.
Are you a customer or just looking at Casper? In either case, I would contact your sales rep at JAMF and ask them. Though they won't just drop a school name, they will usually ask their customers if they'd be willing to have a visitor come talk about Casper Suite, and get back to you with any responses.
Either that, or someone here may respond that is near you. :) Good luck.

Valued Contributor II

I'm outside your range a bit but it's always a nice trip if you want to visit. I'm with Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro NH (03894) if you're interested. JAMF's been great to us and I don't mind showing Casper off.