Posted on 09-18-2020 03:20 AM
Hi all,
my question:
how do i activate with CLI the guest account on a macOS Catalina that has an AD join?
i had tried with:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GuestEnabled -bool YES
dscl . -create /Users/Guest
on the login window I see the user and password window.
I type guest and enter but the login fails
any idea?
Posted on 09-21-2020 07:29 AM
Hi @ivanlovisi ,
is there a hidden Management Account? That was the problem why the guest user was not displayed on my devices.
my script:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GuestEnabled -bool TRUE
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Hide500Users -bool FALSE
dscl . create /Users/MANAGEMENTACCOUNTNAME IsHidden 1
Does that work for you?
Posted on 08-23-2021 08:19 PM
Ran into this issue myself.. modifying the OS version check in the following script got it working for me in Big Sur (11.5.2):