Enrolling hangs at Locating Hardware Information

Contributor III

I've got a really stubborn system here that doesn't seem to want to enroll into the JSS. I've attempted to enrol the system both through recon and through QuickAdd, but they seem to stop responding at the Locating Hardware Information portion enrollment.

I've tried removing the JAMF frameworks and re-enrolling to no effect.

I could use the shotgun approach and re-install OS X and start from scratch, but I'd rather work through it in case it occurs with another system in the future.

The JSS in question is on 9.61



@htse Is this computer running OS X 10.10? Do you have any custom Computer Inventory Collections paths set? If so, this is a bug in v9.61 and you'll need to remove the custom paths.

Contributor III

i double-checked just to be sure, but we've only got the built-in paths

Valued Contributor II

Does the machine have a hardware serial number visible in System Information or in About This Mac?

What if you boot the machine from an external drive and try to enroll it? That could help narrow down a hardware issue vs an OS issue...

Contributor II

I agree with @spraguga, we too had issues with adding a 10.10 mac, but found that if we use 9.63, it worked. You might build a quickadd.pkg with recon 9.63 and see if that works for you.

We are currently running 9.61 and are looking to update to 9.63 this week.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

This was fixed by 9.63; we were having the same problem but it went away after updating.

New Contributor

I have one machine - that has the same issue, running jamf 9.81

Serial number is visible in about this mac.

Valued Contributor II

@htse do you have any printers setup on the machine you are trying to enroll? I've run into an issue where certain printers on certain OSes would cause the enrollment process to hang at the same point. If you look at the Activity Monitor when you are running the enrollment you may see something in there related to the software update mechanism checking to updated printer drivers. Have a look at this thread for some more information.

New Contributor

I too am encountering this and there doesn't seem to be any variable I can point to for the cause. I'm running JSS 9.97 and even reconning a new machine booted into Safe Mode, it still happens. I've spoken with the Jamf engineers who have noted the behavior, but had no idea why it's happening. I'm hoping this can be solved because it's become a major issue in our environment.

New Contributor

Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Last week I started having this problem and I am not able to enroll any machine. JAMF engineers are also looking into a solution but nothing at all.

New Contributor

Finally I found the issue in my environment. It was due to an error in an script within an Extension Attribute. I noticed because the recon stopped just after the process of the EA with error. Sharing with you if it could help...

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I'll add one more note here… I've ran into this at my current employer and it was due to an outdated version of the Centrify plugin. Once we got it to a newer version (seems to be 5.2.4 was the last one that caused issues for us) we got inventory to finish on machines that still have Centrify on them. This could be totally unique to our environment, though, but I thought it was worth noting here anyway.

Esteemed Contributor III

Would help if folks post output of sudo jamf recon -verbose to get an idea where it is hanging.

We test every EA before putting into production, using time to get an idea if it takes .01 seconds or less.

Anything over that is set up as a policy driven script outputting value to a file, which an EA picks up.
