Posted on 10-26-2016 06:58 AM
I'm getting the below error when trying to create a Sierra Image with Composer.
Anyone else seeing anything like this?
Posted on 10-26-2016 11:38 AM
Oddly enough this only happened when trying to use composer on a Sierra machine. I tried this on a machine with El Capitan and the Sierra Image worked fine.
Posted on 10-27-2016 07:22 PM
We're running into the same thing as you. Currently I can successfully take a backup using a machine or external hard drive running OS X El Capitan, however if I run Composer from a computer running macOS Sierra 10.12 or 10.12.1 then we receive the same error message as you listed above.
I'm sure others will tell us to use AutoDMG but, right now, my InfoSec manager won't allow it because there's no privacy statement because it's open source. :/
Posted on 11-08-2016 02:59 PM
We've experienced the same issue, as well, when composing from an external drive. Reverting to OS X 10.11.6 seemed to resolve the problem, for now. Another thing we noticed: the "reveal in Finder" button is non-responsive within Casper Admin when on 10.12.1 -- SAMBA and JDS.
Posted on 04-05-2017 12:38 PM
As of April 5th 2017 we are still having the same problem. Not sure if anything has been done to fix the problem.
I also got it to work using an El Capitan external drive.