User Activity
At JNUC this year, Rich Trouton gave a great panel on all that is APFS.
I learned a ton and one of those things that I remembered from him panel
was that APFS natively supports OS snapshots. While this is still
different from Time Machine it is invok...
When it comes to scripting I'd say I'm mediocre compared to most folks
so I need some help really nailing down a DO loop which I don't really
use very often. Purpose of the script: We use ARD to remote into
machines so we populate ARD Field #1 on our...
I have a couple of scripts that I'm looking to tidy up a bit and I've
noticed that with El Capitan's release Apple isn't super fond of folks
adding folders where the user doesn't normally have access to.
Currently, I'll drop files into /private/var/t...
We're working on streamlining even more of our modular imaging process
so I'm working on a script that will create the AD user's account and
home directory during the imaging process. Thanks to folks on JAMF
Nation and other sites we've been able to ...
I have a, hopefully, simple question. It's something I just thought of
and wanted to see if any one know... If I have a policy set to trigger
upon enrollment, how does that work for a machine that we image using
Casper Imaging? Does it run during the...