Error Enrolling Machines

Contributor II

Hello JAMF Nation,


We've been getting a lot of errors this morning on enrolling machines. Self Service is not being pushed down, along with some policies we have set to push on enrollment. Is there an issue going on with JAMF at the moment? We got Self Service finally added by using the "sudo jamf policy" command but are still having intermittent errors.


EDIT: Now when we use "sudo jamf xxx" commands we are getting the error message "Unknown, type "help" for command info". This has happened several times after erasing a machine and re-enrolling...


This has happened on two separate devices. They both have had similar errors.


Contributor II

Update: It looks like it's different errors every time. We erased/re-enrolled a machine and Self Service was pushed down but some other policies weren't. Every time we re-enroll or enroll a machine it seems to be different issues, different from the previous issue in some cases.

New Contributor III


We (my company) are a large MSP, and i have seen this on my last job, still waiting for Jamf resolution.

The logs from the machine point towards an SSL error, you can find the logs in /Var and the jamf.log.

Also found this with other client setups in the last week.

Unfortunately still waiting for the solution. 

Might be a node issue on one of the Jamf servers, as its only affecting a small amount of tenants.
