The message keeps popping up for a user. He said this has been going on for like a month but there are no performance issues or any issues on the mac itself. His Mac is updated to the latest OS.
Any ideas on this one?
we had the same and this was my solution.
Create an EA in jamf Pro:
#Is /var/db/PanicReporter/current.panic present?
#Mirko Steinbrecher
if [[ -e "/var/db/PanicReporter/current.panic" ]]
echo "<result>Present</result>"
echo "<result>Not Present</result>"
exit 0
Create a SmCG with this criteria and Operator is with value Present
Create a policy with the Files and Processes Payload:
Search for File by Path: /var/db/PanicReporter/current.panic
and Delete file if found
Recurring Check-in, Once per computer and Scope the SmCG you build.
Its a kernel panic, there will be a dump for it that you can parce though to see what may be faulting. If its just a single device, and a non-whiteglove user, its usually far faster to reinstall macOS from recovery (dont wipe the disk first, just reinstall) to resolve the issue.