Posted on 03-31-2011 04:13 AM
We have had a problem where potentially a Managed Preference to control
Language/Time has gone out and buggered up the Daylight Savings.
I need to be able to sift through each jamf.log on every Mac to see if I
can find the following Error
Error: Import of Managed Preference Setting "AppleLanguages" failed
Can you view the jamf.log through the JSS or do you have to look on every
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Posted on 03-31-2011 04:42 AM
If you don't have a copy, I really would suggest that you buy Apple Remote Desktop.
It has various bits that are effectively missing from Casper and you would easily be able to find which machines have this in their jamf.log file, all for a one off cost.
As for a quick solution, you could put a script into the Extensions Attributes to test the log files for this and run a recon on all of the machines.
![external image link](attachments/3d9dcd401ef14c5eac52dfe0484e2535)
Posted on 03-31-2011 05:36 AM
This sounds like something that can be done using an Extension Attribute, to look through the same log file on each computer to look for a string, return YES if found?
Posted on 03-31-2011 06:09 AM
Couldn't you just create a policy, scoped to all machines, Advanced->send a command "grep failed /var/log/jamf.log"?
I tried something similar, and the policy log returned the results of the grep command. No ARD needed...