Hey all,
I'm attempting to use the JAMF Pro API to wipe a computer via MDM. I'm using the "Try it out" feature in the API page on our Jamf Pro instance, to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Here's the request:
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://[OUR JAMF INSTANCE]:8443/api/v2/mdm/commands' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN REMOVED]' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"clientData": [
"managementId": "74EDC9D1-FB3F-5E28-BA0F-3E71E88FB00E"
"commandData": {
"commandType": "ERASE_DEVICE",
"pin": "123456"
And the response:
"httpStatus": 500,
"errors": [
"description": "Unable to perform MDM operation",
"id": "0",
"field": null
This is strange. We're able to wipe a device just fine using the "Wipe Computer" button on the computer's "Management" tab in the web interface.
The PIN is correct, and the computer ID does exist.
Let me know if you have any ideas.
There is nothing wrong with your request, as it says in the error it is server side issue. I suggest you to run the query and mark the time. then check jamf pro server logs to find more details