Posted on 02-21-2012 11:17 AM
Does anyone have any template for checking what email accounts are configured for
We're trying to audit any 10.6.x users that have set Mail to access Exchange. TIA.
Posted on 02-21-2012 12:17 PM
This script might be more specific than you want, and you'll have to muck with the regular expressions. -----------------
# This script outputs a comma separated list of the usernames for all Exchange accounts in # It was written for an environment with predictable e-mail addresses:, that point at Take the time to make sure the regular expressions below will work in your environment.
lastUser=/usr/bin/last -1 -t console | awk '{print $1}'
# Check the plist for for The Two grep commands will have to be modified for your environment.
mailAppUser=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :MailSections' /Users/"$lastUser"/Library/Preferences/ | grep -o -i ews://[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9] | grep -o -i [a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9] | tr '
' ','
# Now list all configured Exchange accounts in a comma separated list, removing any duplicates. The first sed command will have to be modified for your environment.
crazyOutput=echo "$mailAppUser"| sed -E s:@[a-zA-Z0-9.]* | tr ',' '
' | sort | uniq | tr '
' ',' | sed -E s:,:: | sed -E s:,$::
echo "<result>$crazyOutput</result>"
Posted on 02-21-2012 03:24 PM
Use defaults read to get the data you want in this case.
Then we use awk. Resulting in a MUCH easier to read command.
$ defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/ MailSections | awk -F/ '/@/{print $3}'
I added my gmail account just to make sure it would show everything. I don't have a pop account to test with but I imagine it is the same.
Posted on 02-21-2012 04:06 PM
Here is a finished script that will find all the configured mail addresses for all users.
EDIT: this includes the server portion of the address which could be removed if required
# in the nearly impossible case that /Users/* expands to nothing, don't literally use '/Users/*'
shopt -s nullglob
# create an empty array
# for everything in /Users/ directory
for user in "/Users/*"; do
# check for the plist
if [[ -e "${user}/Library/Preferences/" ]]; then
# read output of defaults into all_emails array popping in one element at a time and putting the user in first
while read; do
done < <(defaults read "${user}/Library/Preferences/" MailSections | awk -F/ '/@/{print $3}')
echo "<result>${all_emails[*]}</result>"
Here is the output.
# ./all_configured_email.bash
<result>/Users/ryan /Users/ryan /Users/test</result>
When the EAs can take line endings again it would be a little easier to read if the list appeared like this:
I didn't bother cuz it won't show up that way right now anyway.
EDIT: added more quotes
Posted on 02-21-2012 04:06 PM
And if you JUST want to see who has setup an address for the Exchange environment you are looking for replace the /@/ search in awk with that domain. I would also remove the all_emails+=($user}) bit at that point too maybe if you think there will be more that do NOT have that setup than do.