Extension Attribute Script Returns Wrong Result to Casper

New Contributor

Sorry if this is a duplicate question, but I did try searching first.

I am trying to add an extension attribute to determine if a set of Xerox Printer drivers are installed so I can use it as a scope for a policy.

I wrote a script based off of the one in the knowledge base article (See attached image).

When I run this script via ssh on a machine it returns the correct result (In this case "Yes" because there are printer drivers installed).

The same script run on the same computer as part of Casper's inventory update returns a result of "No".

Not sure what is going on that would cause this.82a0728de2cb433aa389fe771a98beeb


Legendary Contributor III

I have a feeling the wildcard use in the test is messing things up. It doesn't work for me either if I use it and replace the last part of the path test with something that exists on my Mac. I don't think you can use it that way, but maybe someone knows of a way to make it work as is.

I would recommend doing it this way for now-


if [[ $(ls "/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/" | grep "8900X") ]]; then
    echo "Yes"
    echo "No"

View solution in original post


Legendary Contributor III

I have a feeling the wildcard use in the test is messing things up. It doesn't work for me either if I use it and replace the last part of the path test with something that exists on my Mac. I don't think you can use it that way, but maybe someone knows of a way to make it work as is.

I would recommend doing it this way for now-


if [[ $(ls "/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/" | grep "8900X") ]]; then
    echo "Yes"
    echo "No"

Contributor II


# Check /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxFeatures.plugin for the CFBundleShortVersionString installed_driver=$(defaults read "/Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxFeatures.plugin/Contents/Info" CFBundleShortVersionString) echo "<result>$installed_driver</result>"

Contributor III

@mikeharris I agree with @mm2270, I don't believe you can use a wildcard when putting something in quotes.

New Contributor

MM2270's response was the fix.

Thanks a ton!