Posted on 06-02-2018 12:52 PM
We are using Dockutil along with this script to place an smb file share icon in the Dock. This is working just fine
/usr/local/bin/dockutil --add smb://fs1.vcs.local/File Shares --label "File Shares" --position end
What I want to do is check whether this item is in the Dock or not before running this command. Is there an Extension Attribute (along with a Smartgroup) to check if an item is already in the Dock?
Posted on 06-04-2018 09:04 AM
Since extension attributes are per-machine, and since docks are per-user, you'd either have an extension attribute that was just the last user's dock or you could do one that looked at every user's dock instead. Both of which would be pretty easy, but not exactly what you are looking for.
Could you just wrap that command in an IF to only run it if it was missing? Here's an example I've used for Self-Service, but easily changed for this purpose.
user="$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)"
#Check to see if dockutil is installed, exit if not.
if [[ ! -e $DOCKUTIL ]];
echo "Dockutil not installed!"
exit 1
#Check if Self-Service is already in the dock
$DOCKUTIL --find "Self Service" "/Users/$user/"
if [[ $? == 1 ]];
echo "Self Service not in $user's dock. Adding."
$DOCKUTIL --add '/Applications/Self' "/Users/$user/"
echo "Self Service is in $user's dock already."
exit 0
Posted on 12-14-2023 06:48 AM
This thread is old but I wanted to contribute to this. I created this EA recently. It has been working for me. Since this is a user level preference, the step to read is done as the current logged in user.
# Who is the current user?
currentUser=`/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'`
# Is Self Service in the Dock?
ssinDock=$(sudo -u "$currentUser" defaults read | grep "com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.mac" | /usr/bin/awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/[;"]//g')
if [ $ssinDock = "com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.mac" ]; then
echo "Self Service is in the Dock"
echo "Self Service is not in the Dock"
echo "<result>$SS</result>"