Extension attributes Google Group

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Hello All,

I took it upon myself to set up a Google group for posting and sharing Extension Attributes. As some might have seen before I posted on this list some attributes I had written. This was fine and would work great, except I posted the several of the same ones a few times. To end that and to also give everyone a chance to post their own work I set up the group. I wanted to try to give us a place to act as a one stop use community for sharing the attribute, getting help from others for writing them and a place where those who don’t know how to write them could maybe get some help also. Please follow the link below if you are interested, and want to get the ones I wrote, or want to jump in and post some yourself.




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this is great, thank you for putting it together. It looks like the beginning of something wonderful!

Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator

Valued Contributor

Hi Sean,
That is fantastic. I think you have started something very useful for all Casper Community.

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