Extensions Question for Browsers

Contributor II

How can I force pin an extension in both Safari and Firefox for our users?


Additionally, how can i disable the built-in browser password managers for Safari, Firefox & Chrome for our users?








Contributor II

hmmmm, good questions, I'll be paying attention to this thread, my first suggestion would be to switch the org to the enterprise versions of both browsers at the following, they have many more management hooks and more then likely feature the controls you require.

https://chromeenterprise.google/ & https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/enterprise/

Esteemed Contributor

Both Chrome and Firefox, extensions and browser configurations are managed with a Configuration Profile. You can force install extensions, and block users from installing specific or all extensions. As well as being able to enable or disable the built-in password managers.

Chrome Enterprise Policy List & Management | Documentation

Manage updates, policies & customization | Firefox for Enterprise Help (mozilla.org)


Safari uses something called App Extension. This is basically an application you install, when you run it, you are prompted to add the extension to Safari. Beyond installing the app extension to the Mac, there is no way to force the user to actually enable the extension. As far as preventing users from installing extensions, blocking the app store and not giving users Admin access (to install non-appstore apps) is about all you can do. If you need to ensure browser management, its best to just block Safari.

Contributor II

Hello AJ,


Thanks for the info. Can you point me towards where exactly I could find documentation the "App Extension" safari uses?


For Google and Firefox, I was able to use an app called iMazing Profile Editor to assist in creating a plist for both Google and Chrome. That app was a huge help.