Fast way of re-enrolling - any trick?

Contributor II

If a clients breaks for some reason it there any "trick" to do a fast re-enrollment of the client, so it don't start to install all the packages again that already is installed on the computer ?

Actually it is only the profiles that must be loaded and rest of enrollment process must be skipped.


Valued Contributor II

My enrollments policies execution frequency is 'Once per computer' flagged for enrollment. If the end user for some reason loses the jamf mdm profile or w/e, as long as the computer & history are still in the jamf pro dashboard - just not checking - they've gotten all the policies already & I can re enroll them with the enrollment process being skipped. You may want to look into something like this.

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Contributor II

So you do first a jamf removemdmprofile as I cannot succed to re-apply profiles if they already exist on the machine, but for some reason is broken?

Valued Contributor II

sudo jamf -removeFramework is what i would do - then re enroll

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Contributor III

Unfortunately, the fastest way to re-enroll a machine involves getting your hands on it. I've re-enrolled machines by using the command: sudo jamf reenroll -prompt command, then I have to enter my Jamf Pro credentials. It'll also ask for SSH user and credentials, I just press enter and go through those.

Contributor II

Just tried the sudo jamf reenroll -prompt.

After i do this I have to manually and go in approve the MDM. But all profiles are not verified, so seems not to work

My enrolment process policies I always have run only once per computer. But even I do a sudo jamf removeframework and re-enroll via normal browser link, the whole process is starting up again with all policies, even I have not removed the computer from Jamf. So it should not run once again, but it does it :(

New Contributor III

Any luck with this?

sudo jamf enroll -prompt -noPolicy

Contributor II

Thanks. THe enrollment works then and no policies is applied. But my client is still broken afterwards with pending commands.

Contributor II

I am still struggeling with this "quick re-enrollment". All my normal enrollment policies are set to "run once per computer" - and all policies have triggers
But If I run the sudo jamf removeframework and afterwards to a user initiated enrollment all the policies are triggered again even I have not deleted the computer object in Jamf that was created at the first enrollment ?

Is this as it should be or since all enrollment policies are set to "run once per computer" should not run again during re-enrollment ?

Valued Contributor

This solution might also be useful reading for you.

Contributor III

Once your fleet is beyond macOS High Sierra 10.13.2, re-enrollment also involves ensuring the computer is in a state of User Approved MDM. There's been some good discussion on this thread.

Honored Contributor

You might want to play with some of these settings in this case.
You can control to an extent, the re-enrollment actions on each Mac.
