fdesetup would like to enable filevault

Contributor II

We have configured Jamf Connect Login with EnableFDE = True
When enrolling a Macbook with DEP after account creation the user will see this pop-up:
fdesetup would like to enable filevault

If you click OK, it enables FDE. Done.
But if you click on Cancel, it will not enable FDE.
What can we do to cover this?
I have a config profile that enables FDE, but is only applies when logging off.
And logging off is not something a lot of mac users will do...


Contributor II

You're going to need to add a PPPC Profile to your PreStage Enrollment, these steps should help:
- Enabling FileVault with Jamf Connect Login on macOS 10.15 or Later

Contributor II

thanks will look into that

Contributor II

@chad.fox I've configured a PPPC and added it to the PreStage.
But still it comes with the pop-up.
I configured the "Configuring with Jamf Pro" only, not the "Configuring and Uploading manually"
Any ideas?

Edit: Might be related to a typo on the PPPC tab, wiping and enrolling the machine again...