Posted on 02-28-2022 07:25 AM
Here is the situation... I have a fleet of sales iPads that are unlocked and passcode options locked out due to high turnover. The sales reps currently do not have Microsoft creds. We are an M365 environment. I need a way to distribute files to these sales iPad without relying on the rep to enter credentials. For example, the company designs a new sale presentation (Keynote) and they need to drop this into a distributed folder that syncs to the iPad.
My idea is a general Sales id created in AzureAD and push out OneDrive. Then set up a SharePoint site for sales and syncing the content from a folder out to the Sales OneDrive apps on the iPads. I'm not sure how to automate or bake in the creds for OneDrive. Again this is just an idea without a working prototype.
I'm open to options outside of this. Something like the "drop box" feature on macOS in the shared folders. Again the manager just needs a way to drop the files into a synced folder.
TIA - My head-scratching is starting to hurt. :)