FileVault 2 Config Profile


Afternoon All.

Been wracking my brain on this issue for the past couple days, and I just wanted to find out if anyone had any insight on the following issue.

I am working on getting FileVault 2 distributed to my clients via a Configuration Profile, and the following is the behavior I am seeing. My workflow is currently as such; image Mac, walk through setup assistant, enroll in JSS via Setup Assistant, and get to a login window. My setup is the management account is our local admin account, I skip the account creation part as part of the PreStage setup. Once the Setup Assistant is complete, I can log into my management account, and policies start firing off as they should. I see the FileVault Configuration Profile in System Preferences, but for the life of me it doesn't seem to be applied in any way, shape, or form.

In one of my walkthrough tests, I did see in the fdesetup status that deferment was set, and when looking at the deferment information, it stated that the deferment was for the _mbsetupuser.

I guess I am wondering is, given my setup/workflow, is a configuration profile the correct avenue for getting the FileVault set, or should I be looking at enabling FileVault through a policy (via fdesetup or a Disk Encryption Configuration)?


Valued Contributor II

FWIW I have found a policy to be more reliable for kicking off FV2 encryption. It has a forced reboot applied that kicks off so that ensures the encryption is applied. b328bc5f1977450fbd28a0a06ac2b1ce

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Valued Contributor II

FWIW I have found a policy to be more reliable for kicking off FV2 encryption. It has a forced reboot applied that kicks off so that ensures the encryption is applied. b328bc5f1977450fbd28a0a06ac2b1ce