FileVault Escrow

Contributor II


We have few Macs which have failed escrow there FileVault key back to Jamf.

I have setup escrowbuddy and this seems to be working well bringing these keys back.

I can see the policy has run to setup escrow buddy the policy also inculdes 
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GenerateNewKey -bool true

I can see users have had a fresh login.

While machines now do seem to have a vaild FileVault key. I'm seeing two issues.

 FileVault 2 Enabled being switch from enabled to Not enabled. 
 FileVault 2 Enabled set as Not enabled.

This depsite the fact that the effected machines have a vaild Key, showing as encrypted and have a FileVault 2 enabled user.

As anyone else seen this behaviour before?


Screenshot 2025-03-05 at 09.51.31.png



Valued Contributor II

yup.. this is a thing from a while ago.. setup a smart group..  that key has been bust forever. something about.. DDM or such like.. 


also, if you have setup EscrowBuddy with EAs and Policy.. you can report off that also.. 

Contributor II

Thanks machines are encrypted based on the smart group criteria you provided. 

So its more of reporting issue within jamf that it actual been broken, do you know if Jamf have confirmed it has product issue in the past?

Valued Contributor II

erm. yea.. probably.. get onto Mac Admins Slack.. its probably there somewhere 😎  but yes.. its a reporting bug..