Posted on
03:24 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
After enrolling 50+ Computers, some users had me notice that they couldn't use their camera.
After troubleshooting with a spare computer I've noticed that this was caused by one of my configuration profile. Which is intended to redirect the FileVault Key.
But I have no clue why this is happening, can someone give me some insight ?
Posted on 05-31-2018 04:51 AM
Hi @fdeltesta
This is a bug with the Jamf Pro Server. Currently, if you use a "Security & Privacy" payload, it will also (incorrectly) add a "Restrictions" payload that blocks the Camera.
You've got two work arounds:
1) (Easy) Add a "Restrictions" payload to the same profile as the "Security & Privacy" profile and set ALL options in it (in all tabs) to the desired values
2) (Harder) Download your completed "Security & Privacy" profile, de-sign it, open it in a text edit to remove the offending payload, re-sign and upload to the Jamf Pro Server (but never edit the actual profile or it may re-break)
More Info:
Posted on 05-31-2018 06:51 AM
Thank you, @daz_wallace for you quick and clear response !
I have finally noticed that indeed theres is a line in the profile description where it is written that the camera is disabled.
Unfortunately the first solution you gave me didn't seem to work, so I'd like to try the other one.
But what do you mean by de-sign and re-sign, and how am i supposed to reupload it so it takes the place of the original one ?
Posted on 06-01-2018 12:35 AM
Hi @fdeltesta
When you tried the first option, did you add it to the same profile as the Security and Privacy profile? Also did you go through all the options and Tick the allow Camera option? This is off by default. Lastly, did you push this out to all devices, or just 'newly scoped devices'?
Posted on 06-01-2018 02:24 PM
How we can create a Smart Computer Group for the devices in which camera is disabled to pull out the report?
Please assist