Posted on 10-05-2010 08:11 AM
is there a quick way (using Casper) to find out which video card is installed in a laptop? I'm thinking I probably need to create an Extension Attribute, but wondered if there was any other way.
Posted on 10-05-2010 08:31 AM
extension attribute would be a good way I think, and you can do it with this code
bash-3.2# system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Chipset Model:/ { print $3 }' ATY,RadeonX1600
I do not see a video chipset option in the advanced search data.
Posted on 10-05-2010 08:37 AM
Yep, this is how we do it. Extension Attribute via script
chipset=system_profiler -detaillevel mini | grep Chipset | cut -d : -f 2
echo "<result>$chipset</result>"
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420